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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Proman donates $100,000 to Carli Bay fish festival


Shastri Boodan
2067 days ago
Couva/Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce President Ramchand Rajbal Maraj, left, Head of the Carli Bay Fishermen Association Imtiaz Mohammed, Proman Group Representative Collis Williams and Chairman of the Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo Regional Corporation Henry Awong at the cheque distribution on Friday.

Couva/Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce President Ramchand Rajbal Maraj, left, Head of the Carli Bay Fishermen Association Imtiaz Mohammed, Proman Group Representative Collis Williams and Chairman of the Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo Regional Corporation Henry Awong at the cheque distribution on Friday.

Shastri Boodan

Do­mes­tic tourism has the po­ten­tial to gen­er­ate in­come in small­er com­mu­ni­ties, ac­cord­ing to Ram­c­hand Ra­jbal Maraj, the pres­i­dent of the Cou­va Point Lisas Cham­ber of Com­merce.

He was at the time speak­ing yes­ter­day af­ter the Pro­man Group of Com­pa­nies in­ject­ed $100,000 in­to the up­com­ing Car­li Bay Fish Fes­ti­val.

The cheque was hand­ed over to the Car­li Bay Fish­er­men As­so­ci­a­tion at the Cham­ber’s fa­cil­i­ties at Cam­den Road.

Maraj said once do­mes­tic tourism was mar­ket­ed prop­er­ly it can at­tract a large num­ber of peo­ple.

Ra­jbal Maraj said the aim was to en­sure the fish fes­ti­val had a spot on the an­nu­al cal­en­dar of events. He said once all sys­tems are in place he fore­sees thou­sands of pa­trons at­tend­ing the event.

He said Car­li Bay was gen­er­at­ing for­eign ex­change due to ex­ports of the cut­lass fish which are sold to mar­kets in Mi­a­mi and Chi­na.

The event comes off on June 29 and has a bud­get of $150,000. Ra­jbal Maraj said a chunk of the bud­get would go to­wards pay­ing for po­lice, se­cu­ri­ty and fire ser­vices to en­sure pa­trons feel com­fort­able. He said the fes­ti­val will com­mem­o­rate St Pe­ter’s Day, the fish­er­man’s day, and will be­gin with the bless­ing of the boats and fish­er­men. Booths will fea­ture seafood and fo­cus on cul­ture. Ra­jbal Maraj said the event would al­so auger well to pro­mote do­mes­tic tourism.

Col­lis Williams, man­ag­er at Pro­man, said the com­pa­ny con­trols IPS, Methanol Hold­ings and De­n­o­vo among oth­ers, plan to share what it can with the fence-line com­mu­ni­ties and take an ac­tive role in up­com­ing events.

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