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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Rainfall cause jitters for Greenvale homeowners


Sharlene Rampersad
2103 days ago
Flood mitigation works recently completed at Greenvale, La Horquetta.

Flood mitigation works recently completed at Greenvale, La Horquetta.

Al­though the Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion (HDC) is try­ing to as­sure home­own­ers that re­me­di­al and mit­i­ga­tion works in its Green­vale, La Hor­quet­ta, de­vel­op­ment are al­most com­plete, res­i­dents say they are not con­vinced the de­vel­op­ment is ready for an­oth­er rainy sea­son.

In an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia on Sun­day, home­own­er Wendy Mod­este said with the start of the pas­sage of an In­ter-Trop­i­cal Con­ver­gence Zone (ITCZ) yes­ter­day, af­ter a mere two hours of mod­er­ate rain­fall, the streets of Green­vale be­gan fill­ing with wa­ter.

“The rain start­ed about 9 o’clock and last­ed on and off for about two hours and when I looked out­side, there was wa­ter in the streets al­ready,” Mod­este said.

She said by 11.20 am the wa­ter had sub­sided but the fear of a re­peat of last Oc­to­ber’s dis­as­trous flood­ing has just start­ed to gath­er again.

“I re­al­ly don’t know how to de­scribe it, this is peo­ple’s lives we are talk­ing about not just homes. I live in a two-storey house so I feel like I could still save my­self and my fam­i­ly if the wa­ter comes high an­oth­er time…I doubt it will reach up in­to the sec­ond storey, it is re­al­ly the peo­ple in flat hous­es that I am wor­ried about.”

Mod­este said while re­pairs were done to her home, the work was shod­dy and rushed.

She said she brought her com­plaints to the at­ten­tion of the HDC of­fi­cial who vis­it­ed her af­ter the re­pairs were com­plet­ed but she was told noth­ing was wrong with the work.

In a re­lease on Sat­ur­day, HDC said the ma­jor­i­ty of mit­i­ga­tion and in­fra­struc­ture work that was pro­posed for the com­mu­ni­ty has been com­plet­ed.

“These works in­clude the rais­ing of the con­tain­ment berm to ful­ly sur­round the com­mu­ni­ty, the rais­ing of the berm and cul­vert, cross­ing the east­ern ac­cess road, the rais­ing of road­ways sur­round­ing the com­mu­ni­ty and the con­struc­tion of a road to con­nect La Hor­quet­ta South and Green­vale Park, which will be used an al­ter­na­tive ex­it route for res­i­dents. Work is cur­rent­ly un­der­way on the con­struc­tion and in­stal­la­tion of an au­to­mat­ed flood pump­ing sta­tion to en­sure in­creased and more re­li­able pump­ing ca­pac­i­ty at the de­ten­tion ponds,” the cor­po­ra­tion said.

The re­lease said 435 hous­es were dam­aged in the flood last Oc­to­ber and so far, re­pairs were done on 375 of those.

“These works in­clud­ed re-tiling of the in­te­ri­or ar­eas, in­stal­la­tion of new cup­boards, doors and kitchen fur­nish­ings and the re­pairs to elec­tri­cal out­lets. To date, re­pairs to 375 homes have been com­plet­ed and hand­ed over to res­i­dents with the re­main­ing units re­quir­ing mi­nor work, such as the in­stal­la­tion of cup­boards. These are ex­pect­ed to be com­plet­ed short­ly.”

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