Shastri Boodan
Schools operated by the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) are willing to take in migrant children come September. This word comes from Dinesh Rambally, the Chaguanas West MP and executive member of the SDMS.
Rambally spoke with Guardian Media following his address at Indian Arrival Day celebrations which took place at the NCIC Nagar on Thursday.
Rambally said “ The Board of Education and the executive of the SDMS always had under consideration whether or not they could accept migrant children in their school. What has happened is that we are always under demand.
There is a huge demand for children to get into spaces which we do not have, and that continues to be a problem. That is why we fight, clamour and struggle to get our schools upgraded and our incomplete schools completed so we can have space.“
He said once the space becomes available the SDMS would consider allowing migrant children into their system.