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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ramsey-Moore dismisses critics after Katzenjammers’s win

‘Rock so with that’


19 days ago
Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra arranger Kersh Ramsey, centre, with  Assistant Secretary in the Division of Tourism, Culture, Antiquities and Transportation Niall George and Pan Trinbago president Beverly Ramsey-Moore following Sunday’s Medium Bands Panorama Finals at the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Tobago, on Sunday.

Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra arranger Kersh Ramsey, centre, with Assistant Secretary in the Division of Tourism, Culture, Antiquities and Transportation Niall George and Pan Trinbago president Beverly Ramsey-Moore following Sunday’s Medium Bands Panorama Finals at the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Tobago, on Sunday.


To­ba­go Cor­re­spon­dent

As soon as Katzen­jam­mers Steel Or­ches­tra was an­nounced the win­ner of the Medi­um Band Panora­ma Fi­nals 2025, Pan Trin­ba­go pres­i­dent Bev­er­ly Ram­sey-Moore wast­ed no time in ad­dress­ing the crit­i­cism she knew was com­ing.

In a Face­book post yes­ter­day, she told the crit­ics to “rock so with the bull (sic).”

In the post, she ques­tioned why past ex­ec­u­tives could per­form with their bands with­out is­sue, while her band’s par­tic­i­pa­tion now seemed prob­lem­at­ic.

She then sar­cas­ti­cal­ly sug­gests that judges, whose in­tegri­ty was pre­vi­ous­ly un­ques­tioned, some­how feared her, prob­a­bly “with a gun point­ed to their heads say­ing (katzen) jam­mers or noth­ing.”

Ram­sey-Moore said the judges had no rea­son to com­pro­mise their in­tegri­ty.

But hours be­fore her Face­book post, stand­ing firm­ly be­hind her band’s vic­to­ry, Ram­sey-Moore pre­emp­tive­ly dis­missed any al­le­ga­tions of bias, mak­ing it clear that Katzen­jam­mers’ suc­cess was based on tal­ent, abil­i­ty and pure skill—as de­cid­ed by the judges—not per­son­al con­nec­tions.

Katzen­jam­mers, man­aged by Ram­sey-Moore, se­cured an­oth­er win with an arrange­ment by Kersh Ram­sey—Ram­sey-Moore’s nephew.

How­ev­er, just like af­ter the band’s vic­to­ries in 2023 and 2024, she was quick to shut down any claims that fam­i­ly ties in­flu­enced the out­come, call­ing out crit­ics as “ful­ly dunce.”

Asked on Sun­day night by Guardian Me­dia how con­cerned she was about an­oth­er round of pos­si­ble crit­i­cism, es­pe­cial­ly af­ter she had had to—on sev­er­al oc­ca­sions over the past two years—de­fend the band, its skills and her ties with the arranger, she said, “I’m not afraid to an­swer that ques­tion.

“I am not run­ning from that at all. I own it (Katzen­jam­mers). Kersh is my nephew, but he is an ex­cel­lent mu­si­cian.

She point­ed out that many cur­rent ex­ec­u­tive mem­bers al­so played in their bands, which the or­gan­i­sa­tion’s con­sti­tu­tion al­lowed.

“As long as you’re in Pan Trin­ba­go, you must be a mem­ber of a band. So, whether it is this pres­i­dent or any oth­er pres­i­dent or even mem­bers of the ex­ec­u­tive.

Katzen­jam­mers is the band I be­long to, and they de­serve to win; they played well. All the oth­er bands were ex­cel­lent, but there can be on­ly one win­ner if there is not a tie.”

Through­out yes­ter­day, some in the pan com­mu­ni­ty raised con­cerns about fair­ness. But Ram­sey-Moore made it clear that she would not en­ter­tain any ac­cu­sa­tions of wrong­do­ing, stand­ing by Katzen­jam­mers’ vic­to­ry as a well-earned tri­umph.

Mean­while, Chief Sec­re­tary Far­ley Au­gus­tine said it was un­fair to project up­on Ram­sey-Moore any malfea­sance as the rea­son why her band won.

“The oth­er side of the coin is, should they not par­tic­i­pate at all?” he asked.

He de­scribed the crit­i­cism as fool­ish.

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