Award-winning actor, producer and director Raymond Choo Kong has been found murdered.
A family member found him after 12 noon on his recliner in his living room at his Green Street, Arima home.
Police said there appeared to be marks of violence on the body and a broken chair next to the recliner.
He had been stabbed multiple times..
Choo Kong has been changing the landscape of Trinidad’s theatre through comedy for the past 40 years through his organisation, Raymond Choo Kong Productions, a well-established theatre production house, which he founded.
Choo Kong has received a total of 18 Cacique Awards from all categories, making him the holder of the most Cacique Awards.
Choo Kong has directed large musicals such as ‘The Sound of Music’, ‘The King and I’, and ‘Mahalia: A Gospel Musical’, for First Instinct and JCS Entertainment.
He has also worked on projects in Best Village, Commercial Theatre, TTW with Dereck Walcott, Films, Commercials, Band Launches and many more.
He wrapped up his last production, Choose Your Partner Wisely, at the end of June at the Cipriani Labour College.
His company was due to hold a workshop this weekend in San Fernando.