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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Raymond Choo Kong murdered


News Desk
2061 days ago
Raymond Choo Kong

Raymond Choo Kong

Award-win­ning ac­tor, pro­duc­er and di­rec­tor Ray­mond Choo Kong has been found mur­dered.

A fam­i­ly mem­ber found him af­ter 12 noon on his re­clin­er in his liv­ing room at his Green Street, Ari­ma home.

Po­lice said there ap­peared to be marks of vi­o­lence on the body and a bro­ken chair next to the re­clin­er.

He had been stabbed mul­ti­ple times..

Choo Kong has been chang­ing the land­scape of Trinidad’s the­atre through com­e­dy for the past 40 years through his or­gan­i­sa­tion, Ray­mond Choo Kong Pro­duc­tions, a well-es­tab­lished the­atre pro­duc­tion house, which he found­ed.

Choo Kong has re­ceived a to­tal of 18 Cacique Awards from all cat­e­gories, mak­ing him the hold­er of the most Cacique Awards.

Choo Kong has di­rect­ed large mu­si­cals such as ‘The Sound of Mu­sic’, ‘The King and I’, and ‘Ma­halia: A Gospel Mu­si­cal’, for First In­stinct and JCS En­ter­tain­ment.

He has al­so worked on projects in Best Vil­lage, Com­mer­cial The­atre, TTW with Dereck Wal­cott, Films, Com­mer­cials, Band Launch­es and many more.

He wrapped up his last pro­duc­tion, Choose Your Part­ner Wise­ly, at the end of June at the Cipri­ani Labour Col­lege.

His com­pa­ny was due to hold a work­shop this week­end in San Fer­nan­do.

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