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Monday, March 24, 2025

RBL hit with technological issues


Joel Julien
2061 days ago
 Republic Bank on Independence Square Port of Spain

Republic Bank on Independence Square Port of Spain

Anisto Alves

Re­pub­lic Bank Lim­it­ed has been hit with a tech­no­log­i­cal prob­lem that is af­fect­ing its cus­tomer trans­ac­tions, in­clud­ing mo­bile and In­ter­net bank­ing.

Man­ag­ing di­rec­tor Nigel Bap­tiste con­firmed the sit­u­a­tion this af­ter­noon as he apol­o­gised to all the bank's cus­tomers for the sit­u­a­tion.

The prob­lem first oc­curred this morn­ing re­sult­ing in trans­ac­tions at the bank's branch­es be­ing slowed and caus­ing long lines.

"There was an er­ror that re­sult­ed in the sys­tem first grad­u­al­ly slow­ing down and then even­tu­al­ly be­ing non-re­spon­sive," Bap­tiste told the T&T Guardian.

The prob­lem last­ed about an hour and was rec­ti­fied.

How­ev­er, it re­curred this af­ter­noon.

"Un­for­tu­nate­ly it seems the er­ror has re­curred so the tech­ni­cal team is re­view­ing again. Hope­ful­ly, by the time most of the branch­es re­open at 3 p.m., it will have per­ma­nent­ly fixed," Bap­tiste said.

"Re­gret­tably clients us­ing our mo­bile, IB and ABM so­lu­tions will be af­fect­ed un­til that so­lu­tion oc­curs," he said.

He lat­er con­firmed that the ATMs were not af­fect­ed.

Bap­tiste said the tim­ing of the prob­lem could "not have been worse".

"The bank apol­o­gis­es to all our cus­tomers who would have been af­fect­ed first of all by slow pro­cess­ing time and then even­tu­al­ly be­ing un­able to con­clude their trans­ac­tions," he said.

"The tim­ing for this type of er­ror could not have been worse com­ing af­ter a pub­lic hol­i­day and on the first day of a new month. We re­gret the in­ci­dent and will con­tin­ue to do what­ev­er we can to avoid re­cur­rences and/or en­sure they are speed­i­ly re­solved," he said.

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