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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Real Raw Talk host to contest Sando East seat for Kezel’s APP


3 days ago
APP candidate for  San Fernando East, Akleeaha Stafford, left, with political leader Kezel Jackson.

APP candidate for San Fernando East, Akleeaha Stafford, left, with political leader Kezel Jackson.

Ak­leea­ha Stafford, a con­tro­ver­sial so­cial me­dia per­son­al­i­ty known for her vlog The Re­al Raw Talk, is con­test­ing the San Fer­nan­do East seat un­der the All Peo­ple’s Par­ty (APP) in the up­com­ing Gen­er­al Elec­tion.

The an­nounce­ment came in a video post­ed on so­cial me­dia by APP po­lit­i­cal leader Kezel Jack­son, who in­tro­duced Stafford as part of a “bal­anced” slate of can­di­dates.

Stafford, known for her out­spo­ken on­line pres­ence, said she chose to join the APP be­cause of Jack­son’s lead­er­ship.

“I have al­ways, since this par­ty has be­gun, I have been look­ing on,” she said. “And what sold me is Ms Kezel Jack­son’s abil­i­ty to lis­ten, to un­der­stand.”

She crit­i­cised main­stream po­lit­i­cal par­ties for fail­ing to pro­vide clear plans for the coun­try.

“The peo­ple, oth­er peo­ple, oth­er par­ties have not an­swered the ques­tions. And they nev­er have an an­swer. They al­ways want to tell you, this one do this and this one do that and point fin­gers, but she had an an­swer,” Stafford said.

She de­scribed her can­di­da­cy as an ef­fort to break the po­lit­i­cal cy­cle.

“I want to rep­re­sent San Fer­nan­do East to break that strug­gle. I want to show that every­thing could change and that the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go se­ri­ous­ly will change.”

Jack­son framed Stafford’s se­lec­tion as part of a broad­er com­mit­ment to grass­roots lead­er­ship.

“I want some­body on the ground that un­der­stands the is­sues of the peo­ple and has the courage with­out fear or favour to fight for it,” she said.

In a point­ed re­mark ref­er­enc­ing for­mer prime min­is­ter Patrick Man­ning—who held the San Fer­nan­do East seat for the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) for decades—Jack­son said, “ Lis­ten, I want to put flow­ers on your grave this evening. You know why? Be­cause San Fer­nan­do East will re­turn to some­one that loves San Fer­nan­do East.”

Man­ning’s son, Bri­an Man­ning, is the in­cum­bent PNM MP for the con­stituen­cy.

Ac­knowl­edg­ing Stafford’s con­tro­ver­sial rep­u­ta­tion, Jack­son de­fend­ed her de­ci­sion.

“It may be con­tro­ver­sial be­cause you make a lot of en­e­mies when you speak the truth. She dared to chal­lenge sta­tus quo. She dared to chal­lenge stig­mas. She dared to chal­lenge stereo­types.”

The an­nounce­ment drew mixed re­ac­tions on­line. One com­menter dis­missed Stafford’s can­di­da­cy as “a big pap­pyshow.” Jack­son re­spond­ed, “And your gov­ern­ment is the whole blink­ing cir­cus.”

Jack­son re­jects UNC’s coali­tion

Mean­while, Jack­son, in a so­cial me­dia video, re­ject­ed an in­vi­ta­tion from the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) to dis­cuss a po­ten­tial coali­tion ahead of the elec­tion.

“I say no coali­tion here,” Jack­son de­clared.

She said she re­ceived a mes­sage from Fer­os Khan, the UNC’s na­tion­al cam­paign man­ag­er, and sec­re­tary Pe­ter Kan­hai, re­quest­ing a meet­ing with her at the par­ty’s Ch­agua­nas head­quar­ters.

Her re­sponse was un­equiv­o­cal. “Tell Kam­la, I want to re­move her. Tell her that there is no coali­tion to be had. Yeah, no meet­ing will be had. No coali­tion will be had.

“Most of the peo­ple are in fear. They are cow­ard, they don’t think that they can stand alone to fight.But this fight is a fight for David, and I am com­ing for the po­lit­i­cal Go­liath,” she said.

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