The newly appointed president of the Fire Service Association of Trinidad & Tobago, Second Division Keone Guy says his team is focusing meeting the holistic needs of fire officers.
“We believe that fire officers have a number of challenges. We know the economics that exist,” Guy said.
Guy, who has been a fire officer for the last 18 years told Guardian Media one of the major issues he wants to address is that of National Insurance Retirement Benefit for officers.
The new president officers said officers after retirement have to wait five years before they get the benefit that they contributed to.
According to the Fire Service Act, a fire officer in the Second Division shall retire from the Fire Service on his attaining the age of fifty-five years but may, with the approval of the Public Service Commission, be permitted to retire on his attaining the age of fifty years.
“There are number of officers who have retired and are finding it extremely difficult right now to service their mortgages, all while there are benefits that they contributed to,” he said.
He said as an officer on the ground visiting stations, he learnt this was a concern raised by both acting and retired officers.
Some of the other measures he intends to work on include health plans, terms and conditions for Auxiliaries, construction of the recreation centre, free travel via Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC), injury benefits for cancer, heart diseases, strokes and transparent housing allotment.
Fire officer Kyle Andrews was elected Vice President of the Association.
For the year so far, 13 people have died in fires. Former president Leo Ramkissoon said the Service has a lack of equipment, which has put it was in a crisis position.
Guardian Media contacted Ramkissoon several times for a response on the election results, but calls went unanswered.
But Guy wanted to ensure that he [Ramkissoon] was recognised properly for all he has done for Second Division.
“He played a critical role in guiding the FFSA 2 to where it is presently and we would like to thank him for his leadership over that time,” he said.
Ramkissoon served the organisation well for 12 years.
Guy said his team hopes to address the long standing issues among fire officers and bring greater dialogue and be more transparent.