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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rohan: Ministry pursuing avenues to mitigate flooding


977 days ago
File: Rajo Bissoon and Lisa Ramsaran stand in floodwaters surrounding their home in Pluck Road, Woodland.  (Image: IVAN TOOLSIE)

File: Rajo Bissoon and Lisa Ramsaran stand in floodwaters surrounding their home in Pluck Road, Woodland. (Image: IVAN TOOLSIE)


Works and Trans­port Min­is­ter Ro­han Sinanan says his min­istry is pur­su­ing all av­enues to en­sure the nec­es­sary steps are tak­en to mit­i­gate flood­ing.
Re­spond­ing to the re­cent flood­ing in San­gre Grande, Min­is­ter Sinanan said the process re­lies on In­ter-Agency Col­lab­o­ra­tion and Stake­hold­er Con­sul­ta­tion. 

He said it was time to rise above what he de­scribed as the bla­tant pol­i­tick­ing which feeds the coun­try the wrong nar­ra­tive that flood­ing is the prob­lem of the gov­ern­ment rather than seek to work to­geth­er as a coun­try to mit­i­gate what is an in­creas­ing glob­al oc­cur­rence.  

Ac­cord­ing to Min­is­ter Sinanan, the Min­istry of Works and Trans­port is un­der­tak­ing its year­ly ag­gres­sive de­silt­ing cam­paign geared at mit­i­gat­ing the oc­cur­rence of flood­ing.  

In ad­di­tion, Sinanan al­so not­ed that the is­sue of build­ing set­tle­ments in low-ly­ing ar­eas con­tin­ues to in­crease the in­ci­dence of flood­ing.

FloodingMinistry of Works and TransportRohan Sinanan

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