Prime Minister Keith Rowley will be playing mas on Carnival Monday and Tuesday - and he’ll be undergoing an annual medical examination in April.
He’ll also be having talks with BP in London next month while on his way to visit Ghana.
Rowley spoke about his schedule during yesterday’s post-Cabinet media briefing where he detailed outcomes of the Caricom Intersessional meeting which he recently attended in Barbados. The meeting ended Wednesday.
On whether he’s playing mas, Rowley said he’d recently had a hectic week and it was very stressful with meetings all day and night. He added with a grin, “I think I should play mas...”
Rowley said once the weather’s good, he thinks he’ll be playing mas Monday afternoon with a band he’s appeared with before.
On Tuesday he said he’ll play mas with another he normally plays with, “All Stars as usual...providing if they lose Panorama to Invaders, they mightn’t come out.... so I’m hedging my bets,” he said.
Ahead, Rowley leaves for Ghana on March 1 via London. He’s accepted Ghana’s invitation to attend their National Day (Independence ) celebrations on March 6.
He said he’ll lead a T&T delegation to the event. Rowley added T&T has found significant entry into Ghana with the potential for trade and business ties including energy.
But prior to arriving in Ghana, he will stop in London on March 3 to have a high-level meeting with BP.
“This is to advance some significant discussions we started and have open discussions with BP on matters of mutual interest,” he said.
Rowley will be accompanied on the BP leg by Ministers Franklin Khan (Energy) and Stuart Young (Minister in the PM’s Office).
On March 4, Rowley moves on to Ghana where he’ll stay over March 5-7. The T&T team’s expected to return March 8.
At the end of April, Rowley said he intends to get a medical examination. He noted he’d had a health check in March 2019 and at that time said he ‘d have another a year later.
In March 2019, Rowley went to Los Angeles, California for medical tests related to a coronary issue. This concerned build-up of plaque in one artery discovered in 2016. However, there was no need for surgery and he was deemed in good shape.
Yesterday Rowley didn’t say if the upcoming check-up is in California again. But he said he’s hoping it will be “as positive as it was last time.”