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Friday, February 28, 2025

SAGHS celebrates its scholars


Jesse Ramdeo
723 days ago
President's Medal winner Saira Mohammed with her parents Sheraaz and Sherina Mohamed.

President's Medal winner Saira Mohammed with her parents Sheraaz and Sherina Mohamed.

St Au­gus­tine Girl’s High School’s (SAGHS) schol­ar­ship win­ners were re­mind­ed yes­ter­day that their jour­ney to ex­cel­lence will cov­er paths be­yond aca­d­e­mics. The nine awardees were en­cour­aged to con­tin­ue blaz­ing trails while be­ing the best ver­sions of them­selves.

Among those ho­n­oured dur­ing the recog­ni­tion cer­e­mo­ny at the school’s au­di­to­ri­um was Saira Mo­hammed, who won the Pres­i­dent’s Medal. She and the oth­er schol­ars were treat­ed to a rip-roar­ing wel­come from stu­dents and teach­ers.

Lead­ing the as­sem­bly in prayer and thanks­giv­ing was chap­lin Rev. Dr Annabelle Lal­la-Ramkhelawan, fol­lowed by a per­for­mance by the school’s choir.

A teacher, iden­ti­fied as Mr Thomp­son, re­marked that the girls’ achieve­ments on the cusp of In­ter­na­tion­al Women’s Day was a tri­umph.

“I want to re­mind you all that a few decades ago women were not al­lowed to have an ed­u­ca­tion, or to vote or any sort of things like that. Decades lat­er and we can see why women were not al­lowed to vote, to see why women were not al­lowed to get an ed­u­ca­tion be­cause you all are bet­ter than men most of the time,” he said

Solange Joseph said fam­i­ly sup­port was key to her suc­cess.

“Every­thing I am, I owe it to my par­ents. They have worked and con­tin­ue to work tire­less­ly to make sure I have a bet­ter life than they did. They have giv­en up every­thing and more so that I can have op­por­tu­ni­ties that nev­er did,” she said.

Maali Rose cred­it­ed her suc­cess to her class­mates and men­tors:”Thank you for giv­ing me the unique SAGHS ex­pe­ri­ence that I would not ex­change for any­thing else in the world, I’m grate­ful to have grown up here with all of you.”

Rev­erend Joy Ab­dul-Mo­han, Mod­er­a­tor of the Pres­by­ter­ian Church, said aca­d­e­m­ic suc­cess was on­ly a step­ping stone to fur­ther ex­cel­lence which should spill out­side the class­room.

“Al­ways re­mem­ber that you were cho­sen for a pur­pose, let not your ed­u­ca­tion make you brighter but let your ed­u­ca­tion make you bet­ter hu­man be­ings. Bet­ter women, men, young peo­ple and chil­dren,” she said.

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