Having invested close to $1 million in upgrades to protect its staff and customers, Prestige Holdings Ltd (PHL) has been forced to shut its doors as part of the increased stay at home orders and has now taken a decision to cut by half, the salaries of its monthly paid workers.
In an interview with the Sunday Business Guardian, PHL CEO, Simon Hardy said: “In terms of monthly paid people, it’s similar sort of an approach, we encourage people to take vacation pay and then followed by pay cuts—and that applies to myself all the way down.”
According to Hardy, PHL is a people-centred business that employs approximately 3,500 people. He said: “We are a people business that is involved in food, so this will have a major impact.”
Hardy noted that the group has a progressive policy whereby; they are trying to minimise the impact on people as much as possible. However, with restaurants being closed, Hardy noted that there are going to be curtailments.
He explained that the weekly-paid staff who have vacation pay, will be able to utilize that option and then the company will be providing financial support for the first four weeks, but at different levels .
If restaurants are still closed Hardy noted that the company would then have to reassess.
We expected this to happen
Hardy told the SBG that his team was already preparing for the actions taken by the government. He said: “We knew at some stage—this is what we saw around the world—at some stage we expected that the restaurant business, nationally would be curtailed or shut down.”
According to Hardy, closing restaurants was a stage in the natural progression of things. He continued: “We weren’t quite expecting the timing as it happened but we believe it was the right thing to do in the best interest of the nation.”
Hardy noted that as a company it would be difficult for PHL and every other restaurant business. Quoting the Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Hardy said that all should share in the burden.
Hardy indicated that there is research concerning decisive action to combat COVID-19, stating the effects might be more painful, initially, but it is more effective in shortening the length of the COVID-19 impact.
The PHL CEO noted that there is no rulebook for navigating the current crisis and that it is being written as time progresses.
Before restaurants were closed, Hardy indicated that PHL had implemented extra precautions to ensure the safety of its customers and staff.
He said that the company had put in place, half-hourly hand washing and sanitization of all hard surfaces. PHL installed hand sanitizer units for the customers in lines and it also implemented protective screens at the counters in the buildings that offered curbside pick-ups.
As time progressed, Hardy revealed the company also placed decals on the floor to ensure social distancing was implemented.
When asked about the cost of these implementations, Hardy said: “I know the screens alone would have cost us about $700,000, the dispensers, the chemicals and the decals—I don’t know the final figure but it will be around $800,000 to $1 million.”
How long can the
brands survive?
While Hardy could not disclose the projected losses of the group during this current period, PHL’s annual report indicated that the group earned $1.1 billion in revenue for the year ended 2019.
One can then make the assumption that the company’s monthly revenue could possibly be in the area of $92 million. Many restaurants chains had expressed a decrease in revenue by 70 to 90 per cent before the government mandated their closure.
Furthermore, Brian Frontin, CEO of the Trinidad Hotels, Restaurants and Tourism Association (THRTA) recently observed that restaurants were being impacted since March 16.
If these estimates hold true for PHL, the group stands to lose approximately $70 to $100 million or more in gross revenue. This number can possibly be more as PHL’s monthly wage bill was $16 million as at 2019. When asked if this would be enough to buffer against the current losses, Hardy said: “We are taking proactive steps to minimise costs at this time.”
He noted that labour is a big cost that PHL is trying to manage while assisting the staff as much as possible. Hardy also mentioned that the group is assessing all of its operating expenses and cutting it to the bare minimum.
Additionally, the PHL CEO said any major capital expenditure for new stores or store enhancements have been put on hold. Hardy revealed that the group is also in the process of negotiating with all suppliers, including landlords, for not only deferrals but also reductions.
KFC was defensive
Hardy, noted that of all the brands, which includes KFC, Starbucks, Subway, TGI Fridays and Pizza Hut—KFC was the most defensive of all against the impacts of COVID-19.
Indicating that the KFC brand is almost a part of the Trinidadian psyche, Hardy said that on Monday night when the closure was of restaurants was announced, there was a rush.
So much so, Hardy indicated that all the chicken ordered from Arawak that day was almost sold out. He said: “We still had some remaining so we fried it off and donated to the Couva and Caura staff who are doing such an admirable and valiant effort in terms of keeping us all safe from COVID-19 and its impact.”
Hardy lamented that PHL would, unfortunately, have to forgo donating 300 meals a day since restaurants have been closed.
All in all, Hardy noted that the company, as displayed in its annual report, has low levels of net debt and the balance sheet is strong with good cash reserves. Additionally, he said PHL possesses an effective and innovative team that will be working to navigate the current crisis.
Just as the world survived Spanish flu, he believes the world will survive COVID-19. Using the old adage Hardy said: “This too shall pass.”