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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sean Luke Murder Trial:

Mom breaks down in pain, anguish


Derek Achong
1426 days ago
Sean Luke murder trial logo

Sean Luke murder trial logo

Derek Achong

The mere sight of the pair of cloth­ing her son was wear­ing the last time she saw him alive, a lit­tle over 14 years ago, was enough to make Sean Luke’s moth­er break down in pain and an­guish, yes­ter­day.

Pauline Barath, who had been rel­a­tive­ly com­posed since she be­gan tes­ti­fy­ing be­fore Jus­tice Lisa Ram­sumair-Hinds, last Fri­day, was un­der­stand­ably grief-striken as she was shown a pair of blue shorts and un­der­wear and asked to iden­ti­fy them once more.

“It’s my ba­by un­der­wear. His jock­ey shorts,” Barath screamed.

The wails and tears that fol­lowed ap­peared to have a con­ta­gious emo­tion­al ef­fect on al­most all present in the vir­tu­al hear­ing in­clud­ing sea­soned pros­e­cu­tors and de­fence at­tor­neys, and Jus­tice Ram­sumair-Hinds, who all stayed silent be­fore Barath was al­lowed to com­pose her­self pri­vate­ly and use the wash­room.

Akeel Mitchell and Richard Cha­too, who stand ac­cused of com­mit­ting Luke’s es­pe­cial­ly heinous mur­der as teenagers, sat sto­ical­ly from sep­a­rate video con­fer­enc­ing rooms at the Max­i­mum Se­cu­ri­ty Prison in Arou­ca, through­out Barath’s har­row­ing tes­ti­mo­ny.

At the start of the hear­ing, Barath re­sumed by say­ing that Mitchell said he did not know where Luke was af­ter she found him sit­ting near a shed in her yard on March 26, 2006.

Barath, who had awak­en to find that Luke had left home while she was asleep, claimed she was not im­me­di­ate­ly con­cerned by her six-year-old son’s ab­sence.

“I was nev­er con­cerned be­cause I lived around fam­i­ly,” Barath said.

She claimed that Mitchell stayed with her for a short while un­til Cha­too and a group group of boys from their Hen­ry Street, Or­ange Val­ley Road, Cou­va, com­mu­ni­ty were walk­ing by her house.

She claimed that Cha­too, who she said would come over to play with Luke in the past, al­so de­nied know­ing where Luke was.

Barath said she then be­gan go­ing to rel­a­tives and neigh­bours homes in search of her son.

Barath claimed that one res­i­dent iden­ti­fied as Mar­vin told her that he had seen Luke walk­ing in a track that led to a fish­ing fa­cil­i­ty.

She spoke to the guard at the lo­ca­tion but he claimed he did not see Luke.

Barath claimed that when she re­turned to the com­mu­ni­ty, Mitchell told her that he had seen Luke go­ing in­to an­oth­er track with a tall man dress­ing in white.

Mitchell’s un­cle and Cha­too’s step­fa­ther Ray­mond Bruzual, who he (Mitchell) had moved in with about three weeks pri­or, then came over and re­layed the same in­for­ma­tion about the man in white

While be­ing cross-ex­am­ined by Mitchell’s at­tor­ney Mario Mer­rittt, Barath ad­mit­ted that the iden­ti­fied track led to In­shan Ali Park in Cou­va, where Luke’s fa­ther Daniel would meet her when he took his on some week­ends.

Pressed on why Luke’s fa­ther chose to pick him up at the park in­stead at her home, Barath said he pre­ferred that arrange­ment and re­peat­ed­ly de­nied that it was due to him be­ing un­want­ed in the area.

“I know it could not be Sean’s fa­ther,” she said.

Barath ad­mit­ted that when she re­port­ed her son miss­ing she told po­lice what she had heard and al­so that she went to Luke’s fa­ther home in Heights of Aripo to see he had tak­en their son.

“At that time I was grasp­ing at straws and would do any­thing to find my son,” she said.

Luke’s fa­ther then re­turned to Cou­va with her to con­tin­u­ing search­ing.

Barath ad­mit­ted that the fol­low­ing morn­ing she went to the Unit­ed States Em­bassy to re­port Luke miss­ing as he was a US cit­i­zen hav­ing be­ing born in New York. She al­so did a tele­vi­sion in­ter­view.

When she re­turned home, there were po­lice and a crowd gath­ered out­side

Po­lice of­fi­cers then es­cort­ed her to an area of the aban­doned sug­ar­cane field, which bounds the com­mu­ni­ty, and asked her to iden­ti­fy the same pair of shorts and un­der­wear she was pre­sent­ed with yes­ter­day

“The pock­ets were pulled out. Sean liked to wear it like that. He use to say it looked like dog­gie ears,” Barath sobbed.

While be­ing quizzed by Mer­ritt, Barath ad­mit­ted that she did not no­tice any red stains on Mitchell’s cloth­ing when she found him in her yard. How­ev­er, she said she was not pay­ing much at­ten­tion to him.

She al­so ac­cept­ed that none of the chil­dren and teenagers, who were with Cha­too, said that they had seen Luke with Mitchell.

Dur­ing their cross-ex­am­i­na­tion of Barath, Mer­ritt and Cha­too’s lawyer Evans Welch both seemed to raise the pos­si­bil­i­ty that a teenage res­i­dent, iden­ti­fied as Avinash, was some­how in­volved in Luke dis­ap­pear­ance and even­tu­al mur­der.

Barath said she saw the teen but nei­ther she nor her son in­ter­act­ed with him as he was much old­er that Luke.

Asked whether Avinash was tall enough to reach the latch of the gate to the prop­er­ty, Barath not­ed that Mitchell and Cha­too would have been able to as well.

Avinash al­so fea­tured heav­i­ly in their cross-ex­am­i­na­tion of the State’s next wit­ness Ne­hemi­ah Ramd­hanie, a neigh­bour who as­sist­ed in search­ing for Luke and found his cloth­ing in the sug­ar­cane field.

Ramd­hanie ad­mit­ted that he (Avinash) was among the search par­ty but de­nied that he (Avinash) had di­rect­ed him and oth­ers where to search.

He al­so de­nied that Avinash had point­ed him in the di­rec­tion where he even­tu­al found the cloth­ing.

He claimed that the sug­ar­cane field was over­grown and he could not see fel­low vil­lagers, who were walk­ing feet apart through it.

He ad­mit­ted that he was not in­volved when Luke’s body was even­tu­al­ly found the fol­low­ing day.

Be­fore the hear­ing was ad­journed pros­e­cu­tor Sab­ri­na Dougdeen-Jaglal was able to ten­der the un­con­test­ed for­mal ad­mis­sions of some of the wit­ness­es, that will not tes­ti­fy dur­ing the tri­al.

Two of the wit­ness­es were po­lice of­fi­cers, who took pho­tographs when the clothes and Luke’s body was found.

Gris­ly black and white pho­tographs tak­en by one of the of­fi­cers dur­ing Luke’s au­top­sy at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre were al­so dis­played and ten­dered in­to ev­i­dence.

As was the state­ment of the Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer (DMO), who vis­it­ed the crime scene where Luke’s nude body was found and no­ticed a cane stalk pro­trud­ing from his anus.

Mitchell is al­so be­ing rep­re­sent­ed by Kir­by Joseph and Ran­dall Raphael, while Kel­ston Pope and Gabriel Her­nan­dez are rep­re­sent­ing Cha­too.

An­ju Bho­la and Sophia Sandy-Smith are al­so pros­e­cut­ing.

The tri­al is ex­pect­ed to re­sume to­mor­row.

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