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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Search on for Tobago man who called on obeah men to “deal” with licensing officers


Elizabeth Gonzales
238 days ago
Officers of the ABM Task Force were on mobile patrol along Diego Martin Main Road, this morning, when they spotted the suspects near the Starlite Shopping Plaza

Officers of the ABM Task Force were on mobile patrol along Diego Martin Main Road, this morning, when they spotted the suspects near the Starlite Shopping Plaza


To­ba­go po­lice are search­ing for a man who called on all obeah men on the is­land to unite to “deal” with li­cens­ing of­fi­cers in­volved in the on­go­ing an­ti-crime joint ex­er­cis­es. ACP Col­lis Hazel told Guardian Me­dia that the po­lice are work­ing to lo­cate the man, and once found, he will be ar­rest­ed.

This fol­lows the re­lease of a vi­ral video in which the man pub­licly called for To­ba­go obeah prac­ti­tion­ers to unite against what he de­scribed as “an at­tack on To­bag­o­ni­ans.” In an­oth­er video, the head of an an­i­mal car­cass is al­tered me­ters away from a road ex­er­cise in Rox­bor­ough, near the Cyd Gray Com­plex.

In the video, men light can­dles and place red ixo­ras (flow­ers) around the car­cass while say­ing “kill them.” In an­oth­er video, they lift the car­cass up and shout­ed “obeah” at the of­fi­cers. The li­cens­ing of­fi­cers seemed un­both­ered by the rit­u­al and con­tin­ued the ex­er­cise The ex­er­cis­es start­ed over a week ago and will con­tin­ue through­out this week.

Be­cause of this, ten­sions among To­bag­o­ni­ans ap­pear to be ris­ing due to the in­con­ve­nience caused by the road ex­er­cis­es. A fly­er call­ing for a to­tal shut­down on Fri­day and this com­ing Mon­day is now cir­cu­lat­ing.

In re­sponse, Snr Supt Rod­hill Kirk said that these op­er­a­tions are not an at­tack on the peo­ple but a mea­sure to sti­fle crim­i­nal ac­tiv­i­ties. Kirk said, “The in­con­ve­nience is for the greater good. Peo­ple tend to get sen­si­tive to this… You have called on us to do more and you keep say­ing ‘Do more, and the po­lice in To­ba­go are not do­ing enough’.

It’s not to tar­get and op­press any­body.” He said the po­lice will ar­rest and pros­e­cute any­one in­volved in lead­ing il­le­gal protests or in­cit­ing un­rest in the com­ing days. Trans­port Com­mis­sion­er Clive Clarke did not want to com­ment on the mat­ter.

How­ev­er, he briefly said his team re­mains un­fazed. He said this mat­ter is for the po­lice.


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