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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Social media activist confronts MPs during PNM walkabout in Grande


20 days ago
Energy Minister Stuart Young shakes the hand of a resident during a walkabout with Sangre Grande/Toco MP Roger Monroe through North Eastern Settlement, Sangre Grande, yesterday. At right is senior PNM member Jennifer Baptiste-Primus.

Energy Minister Stuart Young shakes the hand of a resident during a walkabout with Sangre Grande/Toco MP Roger Monroe through North Eastern Settlement, Sangre Grande, yesterday. At right is senior PNM member Jennifer Baptiste-Primus.


Se­nior Po­lit­i­cal Re­porter

The Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) be­gan hit­ting the gen­er­al elec­tion ground with walk­a­bouts yes­ter­day in To­co/San­gre Grande, and will be go­ing from con­stituen­cy to con­stituen­cy, gen­er­al sec­re­tary Fos­ter Cum­mings said.

The team yes­ter­day was led by To­co/San­gre Grande MP Roger Mon­roe, Cum­mings and prime min­is­ter-des­ig­nate Stu­art Young. How­ev­er, Mon­roe faced com­plaints from cer­tain con­stituents.

The walk­a­bout by about 150 sup­port­ers in red PNM jer­seys, in­clud­ing Agri­cul­ture Min­is­ter Kaz­im Ho­sein, walked to the ac­com­pa­ni­ment of mu­sic trucks through the North East­ern Set­tle­ment. They lis­tened to con­cerns along the way.

At one point, the group was con­front­ed by a res­i­dent, so­cial me­dia ac­tivist War­rior Princess (San­dra Em­manuel). In a video post­ed on Face­book, she is seen con­fronting the group say­ing she want­ed to speak to her MP, point­ing at Mon­roe. She asked him about his plans for the area.

Young at­tempt­ed to ex­plain that Mon­roe had been with them all evening but the woman said she was di­rect­ing the con­ver­sa­tion to the To­co/San­gre Grande MP.

She asked Young: “And you are?! You are Mr Stu­art Young?!”

She con­tin­ued to in­sist on speak­ing with Mon­roe for her­self, adding there were a lot of is­sues with young peo­ple in the area. How­ev­er, the group pro­ceed­ed to move on and War­rior Princess said: “Why all yuh run­ning off? We ask­ing ques­tions, there are a lot of delin­quent youths, why am I sup­posed to put my hand in red for the bal­isi­er? Stu­art Young pull him away. If all yuh want my vote, all yuh have to show me why I sup­posed to vote for the PNM! I want to know why! They shy­ing from the ques­tions!”

War­rior Princess, who said she had “born and grow in a PNM house,” urged res­i­dents not to al­low mem­bers of the PNM group to shake their hands.

“This is the first and last time we go see dem!” she de­clared.

Mon­roe re­port­ed­ly al­so heard com­plaints from oth­er res­i­dents who said they hadn’t seen him along the way.

How­ev­er, at the end of the walk­a­bout, Cum­mings, in an ad­dress post­ed on his Face­book page, stood among cheer­ing sup­port­ers, say­ing he was hap­py to be sup­port­ing Mon­roe “as we put a whip­ping on the UNC!”

He added “We’re go­ing to beat the UNC back in­to op­po­si­tion. Roger all the way!

“We’re go­ing to make sure that we get the PNM elect­ed to Gov­ern­ment once more!”

Cum­mings lat­er held Mon­roe’s and Young’s hands up in a vic­to­ry sign.

He de­scribed the event as a “pow­er­ful walk” with a “very warm wel­come” from the area and said Mon­roe “con­tin­ues to be an at­ten­tive, ef­fec­tive and hum­ble ser­vant of the peo­ple of his con­stituen­cy.”

“Con­nect­ing with the com­mu­ni­ty, lis­ten­ing to con­cerns, and stand­ing to­geth­er for progress…this is what true rep­re­sen­ta­tion is about,” he added.

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