The business community is welcoming the State of Emergency, saying it will build confidence among the citizenry at a time when T&T is experiencing the highest crime rate ever.
President of the San Fernando Business Association, Daphne Bartlett, said while she welcomed the move, she believed international developments could have contributed to the decision.
"I am surprised they have not called a limited curfew in some areas. We have been calling for a State of Emergency for three years now," she said.
"She added, "I want to give this a try because of the horrendous crime being committed. We have the swearing-in of Nicolas Maduro on January 10. We have a big migrant population, and we have to look at that because of their input in the crimes being committed, so we have to factor in that as well."
She lamented that T&T did not have proper border controls.
"I don't know how this State of Emergency will factor in the border control. Our crime rate is the highest ever and so I am so happy that we are attempting a State of Emergency."
She advised people to be vigilant.
Meanwhile, the president of the Greater San Fernando Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Kiran Singh also welcomed the move, saying criminals seem to have the upper hand.
Saying it's time to take back control of T&T, Singh advised the business community to stay vigilant.
"If you don't need to be out, stay indoors," Singh said.
He noted that the business community will feel safer in the coming days, noting that people should not engage in panic buying.
Meanwhile, business continued as usual on the streets of San Fernando and there was no lineup at gas stations.