A standoff between Greenvale, La Horquetta residents over the distribution of Lensyl mattresses had to quelled by police yesterday.
This after residents of Carli Avenue West and Jasper Avenue engaged in a heated debate with volunteers from Lensyl over the manner the mattresses and pillows would be distributed.
The residents who lived on the western end of Greenvale expressed frustration that they had generally been overlooked for mattresses, noting previous deliveries had been dropped off at homes closer to the community’s main entrance further east.
Many residents followed the truck, driven by Shane Sookram, as it made its way up to the corner of the Carli Avenue West and Jasper Avenue. There, a tense negotiation took place between the volunteers and residents.
At one point, a resident even mounted the truck, demanding the volunteers drop one of the mattresses at his house.
Police eventually intervened, allowing for mattresses to be offloaded by the truck. Each household was then allowed one mattress.
The volunteers told the T&T Guardian the company had made the mattresses yesterday morning with the affected residents in mind.
“I volunteer to come out here, people like gangstering me for the stuff, mattress. It’s a good deed I doing here, you shouldn’t be getting on so,” said Sookram, whose home in Caroni had also been flooded out over the weekend.
Sookram, Samuel Lewis and Nicholas Simpson said they met up at Lensyl at 6.30 am and decided to make the mattresses for those in need.
“We come to work and we making these mattresses because we see the need for them to have these mattresses. Them mattress and them fresh, make this morning,” Lewis said.
However, the residents objected to their initial plan of distribution when they arrived in Greenvale hours later.
“It don’t have enough for everybody, we trying to give the needy, which is like people with children,” Sookram told the residents who gathered around the truck.
After realising just how needy the residents were, however, the Lensyl volunteers said they would return to the area today.