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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Standoff for mattresses in Greenvale


Peter Christopher
2323 days ago
Policemen supervise the distribution of mattresses donated by Lensyl Products Limited to Greenvale Park, La Horquetta residents yesterday.

Policemen supervise the distribution of mattresses donated by Lensyl Products Limited to Greenvale Park, La Horquetta residents yesterday.


A stand­off be­tween Green­vale, La Hor­quet­ta res­i­dents over the dis­tri­b­u­tion of Lensyl mat­tress­es had to quelled by po­lice yes­ter­day.

This af­ter res­i­dents of Car­li Av­enue West and Jasper Av­enue en­gaged in a heat­ed de­bate with vol­un­teers from Lensyl over the man­ner the mat­tress­es and pil­lows would be dis­trib­uted.

The res­i­dents who lived on the west­ern end of Green­vale ex­pressed frus­tra­tion that they had gen­er­al­ly been over­looked for mat­tress­es, not­ing pre­vi­ous de­liv­er­ies had been dropped off at homes clos­er to the com­mu­ni­ty’s main en­trance fur­ther east.

Many res­i­dents fol­lowed the truck, dri­ven by Shane Sookram, as it made its way up to the cor­ner of the Car­li Av­enue West and Jasper Av­enue. There, a tense ne­go­ti­a­tion took place be­tween the vol­un­teers and res­i­dents.

At one point, a res­i­dent even mount­ed the truck, de­mand­ing the vol­un­teers drop one of the mat­tress­es at his house.

Po­lice even­tu­al­ly in­ter­vened, al­low­ing for mat­tress­es to be of­floaded by the truck. Each house­hold was then al­lowed one mat­tress.

The vol­un­teers told the T&T Guardian the com­pa­ny had made the mat­tress­es yes­ter­day morn­ing with the af­fect­ed res­i­dents in mind.

“I vol­un­teer to come out here, peo­ple like gang­ster­ing me for the stuff, mat­tress. It’s a good deed I do­ing here, you shouldn’t be get­ting on so,” said Sookram, whose home in Ca­roni had al­so been flood­ed out over the week­end.

Sookram, Samuel Lewis and Nicholas Simp­son said they met up at Lensyl at 6.30 am and de­cid­ed to make the mat­tress­es for those in need.

“We come to work and we mak­ing these mat­tress­es be­cause we see the need for them to have these mat­tress­es. Them mat­tress and them fresh, make this morn­ing,” Lewis said.

How­ev­er, the res­i­dents ob­ject­ed to their ini­tial plan of dis­tri­b­u­tion when they ar­rived in Green­vale hours lat­er.

“It don’t have enough for every­body, we try­ing to give the needy, which is like peo­ple with chil­dren,” Sookram told the res­i­dents who gath­ered around the truck.

Af­ter re­al­is­ing just how needy the res­i­dents were, how­ev­er, the Lensyl vol­un­teers said they would re­turn to the area to­day.

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