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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Taxi driver arrested for alleged assault of female passenger


Sascha Wilson
6 days ago
The Marabella Taxi Stand where a driver, who allegedly assaulted a female passenger, operates.

The Marabella Taxi Stand where a driver, who allegedly assaulted a female passenger, operates.

A 39-year-old taxi dri­ver has been ar­rest­ed by South­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force of­fi­cers for the al­leged as­sault of a fe­male pas­sen­ger, which was caught on cam­era and has cre­at­ed a stir on so­cial me­dia.

As­sis­tant Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Wayne Mys­tar yes­ter­day re­vealed the taxi dri­ver, who lives in Princes Town, was tak­en in­to po­lice cus­tody af­ter the vic­tim made a po­lice re­port.

His ar­rest came hours af­ter so­cial me­dia was flood­ed with calls for the taxi badge of the dri­ver to be re­voked.

Videos of the in­ci­dent have gone vi­ral on so­cial me­dia since Mon­day, evok­ing out­rage and con­dem­na­tion. 

How­ev­er, the dri­ver al­so took to so­cial me­dia claim­ing that he was pro­voked by the pas­sen­ger. He, how­ev­er, apol­o­gised for his ac­tions. Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that the woman board­ed the taxi in San Fer­nan­do to be tak­en to Vista­bel­la but the dri­ver went to drop off oth­er pas­sen­gers, in­clud­ing a tod­dler, at Cir­cu­lar Road.

The woman raised con­cern that the dri­ver passed her des­ti­na­tion by tak­ing an­oth­er route and be­gan record­ing the in­ter­ac­tion when the dri­ver was seen hit­ting her phone out of her hands.

An­oth­er video ap­peared to show the dri­ver again at­tack­ing the woman while she was record­ing him out­side the ve­hi­cle.

He claimed he asked the woman not to record him but she per­sist­ed and "She ag­gra­vate me and try to make a scene. I pro­ceed­ed to hit her phone out of her hand," he said.

He ad­mit­ted to grab­bing the woman's phone and said he gave it back af­ter she paid him.

An­oth­er vi­ral video showed the dri­ver be­ing chased off the taxi stand by a group of peo­ple with one man strik­ing him for as­sault­ing a woman.

Mean­while, Mara­bel­la Taxi Dri­vers' As­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent Andy White said they have de­cid­ed to ex­pel him from the as­so­ci­a­tion, and he will not be al­lowed to work on their stand. 

White, who up­loaded two videos to so­cial me­dia con­demn­ing the ac­tions of the dri­ver, said since last year he had re­ceived com­plaints about the dri­ver's al­leged ag­gres­sive­ness to­wards women.

"I just putting out this video to clar­i­fy that Mara­bel­la (dri­vers), we don't con­done this is no form, no shape. Hit­ting women is to­tal­ly wrong. We don't hit women. We don't hit chil­dren. We don't hit peo­ple." White ad­vised the pub­lic not to trav­el with him.

For­mer pres­i­dent Chevaughn Mar­shall said the in­ci­dent has re­flect­ed bad­ly on the oth­er dri­vers and they have de­cid­ed not to al­low him to work on the stand. 

"We are not go­ing to en­cour­age him here. We don't want no part of that be­cause when women and chil­dren trav­el here, they must feel safe." Mar­shall said while noth­ing pre­vents the dri­ver from work­ing an­oth­er route, he called on oth­er as­so­ci­a­tions not to per­mit him to work on their taxi stands.

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