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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Third GEB officer’s uniform stolen


Anna-Lisa Paul
278 days ago
Police officers attached to the Guard and Emergency Branch in Port-of-Spain recently.

Police officers attached to the Guard and Emergency Branch in Port-of-Spain recently.


Three days af­ter two sets of uni­forms be­long­ing to of­fi­cers from the Guard and Emer­gency Branch (GEB) as­signed to du­ty at the Prime Min­is­ter’s res­i­dence in St Ann’s were re­port­ed miss­ing, yet an­oth­er kit has been stolen.

This time, a uni­form was re­moved from the lock­er of a GEB of­fi­cer sta­tioned at the unit’s head­quar­ters at Gar­den Road, Aranguez, San Juan.

The sergeant, who lives in St Joseph, claimed to have se­cured his lock­er in the dor­mi­to­ry around 7.30 am on Mon­day (May 14) be­fore leav­ing.

Re­port­ing for du­ty around 6.15 am the next day, the of­fi­cer al­leged­ly found the top of the right door to the lock­er bent.

Up­on check­ing, he dis­cov­ered sev­er­al items miss­ing.

These in­clud­ed a pair of TTPS-is­sued cam­ou­flage pants, a Black­hawk VIPOSXT pis­tol light val­ued at US$240 and a Viking tac­tics two-point padded sling with a pair of blue Force Gear quick-de­tach swivels val­ued at US$130.

While of­fi­cers from the North East­ern Di­vi­sion’s CSI Unit processed and pho­tographed the scene, no work­able fin­ger­prints were found.

In the theft on May 13, two sets of dig­i­tal blue cam­ou­flage uni­forms be­long­ing to two GEB of­fi­cers were stolen from the dor­mi­to­ry lock­ers at the Prime Min­is­ter’s res­i­dence, La Fan­tasie Road, St Ann’s.

The of­fi­cers claimed to have se­cured the items in their lock­ers be­fore leav­ing work and re­turned the next day, to find them bro­ken in­to and the items miss­ing.

In ad­di­tion to the stolen uni­forms, oth­er items in­clud­ed two sets of pants, jack­ets and fish­er hats.

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