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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tourism Trinidad to participate in Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association Conference


Geisha Kowlessar-Alonzo
507 days ago
Seabourn Pursuit cruise ship

Seabourn Pursuit cruise ship

Tourism Trinidad will par­tic­i­pate in the up­com­ing Flori­da-Caribbean Cruise As­so­ci­a­tion Con­fer­ence (FC­CA) in Mazatlán, Mex­i­co to gain valu­able in­sights which can fur­ther en­hance this coun­try’s tourism prod­uct.

The event is ex­pect­ed to take place from No­vem­ber 7 to 10, 2023.

This con­fer­ence is al­so a unique op­por­tu­ni­ty for the com­pa­ny to con­nect with cruise in­dus­try lead­ers and cruise line ex­ec­u­tives.

The FC­CA con­fer­ence is renowned for of­fer­ing valu­able in­sights in­to the cruise in­dus­try and its in­ner work­ings and it is a hub for cruise tourism pro­fes­sion­als to en­hance their knowl­edge, fos­ter con­nec­tions, and pro­mote their prod­ucts and ser­vices.

With ap­prox­i­mate­ly 100 ex­ec­u­tives from FC­CA mem­ber lines at­tend­ing, this event pro­vides a gold­en op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­gage with de­ci­sion-mak­ers who de­ter­mine cruise ship itin­er­aries, on-board of­fer­ings, and des­ti­na­tion in­vest­ments, a state­ment from Tourism Trinidad said.

It added that at­ten­dees are al­so or­gan­i­sa­tions in­ter­est­ed in do­ing busi­ness with the cruise in­dus­try, in­clud­ing ports and des­ti­na­tions, cruise and tourism agen­cies, tour op­er­a­tors, at­trac­tions, sup­pli­ers and ship agents.

Tourism Trinidad fur­ther re­it­er­at­ed that con­fer­ences like these are both im­por­tant and lu­cra­tive.

“Fol­low­ing our at­ten­dance in 2022, Trinidad and To­ba­go was able to reg­is­ter a 51 per cent in­crease in cruise pas­sen­ger ar­rivals, which promis­es to make the 2023-2024 cruise ship sea­son a suc­cess­ful one.

“The sea­son has al­ready kicked off with the ar­rival of the Seabourn Pur­suit on Oc­to­ber 11 and the soon to ar­rive Ru­by Princess on No­vem­ber 14. This is just the be­gin­ning of a sea­son that will see five new cruise lines grace our shores,” Tourism Trinidad stat­ed.

The or­gan­i­sa­tion al­so not­ed that when cruise tourists grace this coun­try’s shores, they will al­so ex­pe­ri­ence the en­chant­i­ng at­trac­tions and op­por­tu­ni­ties that T&T has to of­fer.

As a mem­ber of the FC­CA, Tourism Trinidad added that it is com­mit­ted to pro­mot­ing Trinidad as a must-vis­it cruise des­ti­na­tion in the Caribbean re­gion.

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