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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tsoiafatt Angus: Time for the right woman to lead PNM Tobago


Loyse Vincent
1904 days ago
Dr Denise Tsoiafatt Angus, centre, her mother Ira Marjorie Tsoiafatt, left, and daughter Dale Angus at the PNM Tobago Office, yesterday

Dr Denise Tsoiafatt Angus, centre, her mother Ira Marjorie Tsoiafatt, left, and daughter Dale Angus at the PNM Tobago Office, yesterday


It’s of­fi­cial, for­mer Pre­sid­ing Of­fi­cer of the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly (THA) Dr Denise Tsoiat­fatt- An­gus, wants to lead the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment’s To­ba­go Coun­cil.

She re­signed from her post in the THA last month.

Tsoiat­fatt- An­gus, turned up at the PNM’s To­ba­go head­quar­ters, Robin­son Street, Scar­bor­ough on De­cem­ber 9, for her pa­pers to be checked dur­ing the par­ty’s pre­lim­i­nary nom­i­na­tion day ex­er­cise.

Speak­ing to the me­dia, Tsoiafat An­gus said she felt the par­ty’s lead­er­ship should be changed.

“The par­ty units feel dis­en­chant­ed right now they feel dis­con­nect­ed and there­fore what I will bring is the abil­i­ty to bridge that gap”

As po­lit­i­cal leader An­gus said she would en­sure that per­sons feel en­gaged and en­sure that they can be heard.

When asked if she felt it was time for a fe­male Leader. An­gus said, “in terms of per­for­mance and ca­pac­i­ty you give it to the best per­son for the job and I am the right woman.”

The group’s Pub­lic Re­la­tions Of­fi­cer Kwe­si DesVi­gnes al­so sub­mit­ted his pa­per­work for ver­i­fi­ca­tion by the elec­tion com­mit­tee. He en­dorsed the cur­rent po­lit­i­cal leader.

“I con­tin­ue to give full sup­port to the both Mr Kelvin Charles and Mr Stan­ford Cal­en­dar as Par­ty leader and Par­ty Chair­man col­lec­tive­ly. I’ve been work­ing close­ly with these men and I’ve learnt so much and I be­lieve that these men are best suit­ed to lead.”

Stan­ford Cal­len­der, the par­ty’s cur­rent chair­man, al­so took ad­van­tage of the op­por­tu­ni­ty to have his pa­per­work checked be­fore nom­i­na­tion day on De­cem­ber 16.

There are 17 po­si­tions up for grabs at the par­ty’s in­ter­nal elec­tions on Jan­u­ary 19, 2020.

Alvin Pas­call chairs the par­ty’s Elec­tion Ad­vi­so­ry Com­mit­tee.

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