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Friday, March 14, 2025

T&T Under-19 team headed to St Vincent


Ryan Bachoo
624 days ago

The Trinidad and To­ba­go Un­der-19 crick­et team is head­ed to St Vin­cent to par­tic­i­pate in the up­com­ing CWI Ris­ing Stars Re­gion­al Tour­na­ment.

“This Un­der-19 team is the best team ever se­lect­ed to rep­re­sent Trinidad and To­ba­go in this age group,” TTCB pres­i­dent Az­im Bas­sarath said out­lin­ing the clin­i­cal prepa­ra­tions they have un­der­gone to date.

Bas­sarath said the prepa­ra­tion would have con­tin­ued un­der coach Dook­ie with train­ing ses­sions and tri­al match­es to en­sure they were all fit and ready for the over­seas as­sign­ment against their re­gion­al coun­ter­parts.

“You have a lot rest­ing on your shoul­ders. Most of you would have played in the 2022 Re­gion­al West In­dies Tour­na­ment, and the TTCB and the pub­lic ex­pect noth­ing less than you bring­ing back the two tro­phies at stake in the tour­na­ment.

“You have the abil­i­ty and you all can match any oth­er West In­di­an play­er at this age any­where in the Caribbean. So you will have no rea­son not to bring back those two tro­phies, and we will not ac­cept any­thing less,” Bas­sarath said.

T&T Un­der-19 Squad: Joshua Davis (cap­tain), Justin Jages­sar (Vice-cap­tain). Kyle Ram­doo, Kyle Kissoon­dath, Ra­jeev Ram­nath, Nick Ram­lal, Fa­reez Ali, Vas­ant Singh, Olan­do James, Ja­cen Agard, Liam Mam­chan, Ronillester Per­reira, Ab­dur- Rah­man Ju­man, An­drew Ram­baran. Ker­win John (Man­ag­er), Bhood­esh Dook­ie (Coach).

Ja­cen Agard col­lects his equip­ment bag, cour­tesy 360 Crick­et, from Ker­win John, Na­tion­al Un­der-19 team man­ag­er, while Jus­tine Low, Spon­sor­ship Man­ag­er of Tribe Car­ni­val pro­vid­ed back­packs and hel­mets for the play­ers.


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