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Saturday, March 22, 2025

TTPost suspends mail delivery


Rhondor Dowlat-Rostant
1815 days ago

Reg­u­lar mail de­liv­ery, out­side of So­cial Wel­fare cheques, has been sus­pend­ed.

The T&T Postal Cor­po­ra­tion (TTPost) ad­vised yes­ter­day that it is one of the mea­sures an­nounced by TTPost, in light of the COVID-19 virus.

All non-es­sen­tial ser­vices and ac­tiv­i­ties are sus­pend­ed un­til April 15.

The oth­er mea­sures are:

• Post of­fices will be closed, ex­cept where such of­fices are used for de­liv­ery of pen­sion cheques; in which case the post of­fice will re­main open from 8 am to 4 pm. All oth­er ser­vices at these and oth­er post of­fices will be sus­pend­ed dur­ing the pe­ri­od March 31 to April 15.

• Pen­sion cheques will be dis­trib­uted by the de­liv­ery of­fi­cers or col­lect­ed at the de­liv­ery out­lets, in the usu­al man­ner from April 1. Cheques in To­ba­go will be dis­trib­uted from April 2 due to flight con­straints.

• Couri­er Ser­vices, in­clud­ing the de­liv­ery of CDAP med­ica­tion, will con­tin­ue.

• In­bound mails and parcels will con­tin­ue to be cleared from the air­port dai­ly to avoid dam­ages and se­cure these items.

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