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Friday, March 7, 2025

TTPS seizes cannabis, issues FPNs in crime exercises


42 days ago

The Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice has seized 19.44 kilo­grams of cannabis with an es­ti­mat­ed street val­ue of $3,000,000.

Dur­ing an ex­er­cise on Wednes­day, of­fi­cers in­ter­cept­ed a ve­hi­cle on Busi­ness Dri­ve, Trinci­ty. 

Up­on search­ing the ve­hi­cle, two brown box­es, each con­tain­ing sev­er­al blue and white box­es filled with 19.44 kilo­grams of cannabis, with an es­ti­mat­ed street val­ue of $3,000,000 were dis­cov­ered. 

The dri­ver, a 39-year-old man from Noel Trace, St. Au­gus­tine, was ar­rest­ed and is in cus­tody.

In an­oth­er ex­er­cise on Tues­day, of­fi­cers searched an aban­doned lot lo­cat­ed at Luck­put Street, St. James. Dur­ing the search, of­fi­cers found a black plas­tic bag hid­den un­der a gal­va­nized sheet, con­tain­ing 214.6 grams of cannabis.

In a sep­a­rate op­er­a­tion, a joint road traf­fic ex­er­cise was con­duct­ed in the West­ern Di­vi­sion yes­ter­day from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. 

The op­er­a­tion along the Au­drey Jef­fers and Diego Mar­tin High­ways re­sult­ed in the is­suance of 160 Fixed Penal­ty No­tices (FP­Ns) for var­i­ous traf­fic of­fences, in­clud­ing 20 FP­Ns for il­le­gal win­dow tint­ing. 

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, 9 dri­vers were served with no­tices in­di­cat­ing the in­tent to dis­qual­i­fy them from dri­ving, and one dri­ver was of­fi­cial­ly dis­qual­i­fied, with de­mer­it points rang­ing from 25 to 86. 

The traf­fic ex­er­cise was co­or­di­nat­ed by ACP Tac­ti­cal Col­lis Hazel and in­volved of­fi­cers from North Cen­tral ERP, North East­ern ERP, POS ERP, the Trans­port Di­vi­sion, and Ca­roni Li­cense Of­fice.


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