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Friday, March 28, 2025

“Tucker” celebrates his 100th birthday


Chester Sambrano
592 days ago
Hamilton Thompson

Hamilton Thompson

Chester Sam­bra­no

The Min­istry of So­cial De­vel­op­ment and Fam­i­ly Ser­vice said it is pleased to wel­come Grena­da na­tive Mr Hamil­ton Thomp­son fond­ly called “Tuck­er” and “Wow” to the il­lus­tri­ous cen­te­nar­i­an club.

Mr. Thomp­son cel­e­brat­ed his one-hun­dredth birth­day on Sat­ur­day 12th Au­gust, 2023 in Laven­tille where he has resided since mov­ing to Trinidad and To­ba­go at the age of sev­en­teen.

Ac­cord­ing to Mr Thomp­son, the se­cret to longevi­ty is “good home-cooked food and a drink or two of White Oak rum.”

His fam­i­ly marked the oc­ca­sion by host­ing a cel­e­bra­tion at his home and adorn­ing jer­seys with a pho­to of the new cen­te­nar­i­an un­der the theme “Prod­uct of Grena­da, Estd. 1923.”

His daugh­ters vis­it­ing from New York to mark the oc­ca­sion said their fa­ther moved to Trinidad seek­ing a bet­ter life and be­gan work­ing at Cit­rus Grow­ers As­so­ci­a­tion where he met his wife Eileen.

The cou­ple were mar­ried for sev­en­ty-two (72) years.

Mr Thomp­son worked at the As­so­ci­a­tion for two years be­fore mov­ing to the then Neal and Massy as a store clerk be­fore re­tir­ing as a Man­ag­er af­ter more than fifty years of ser­vice to the com­pa­ny.

They added that their fa­ther loves steel­pan and the card game All Fours where he and his wife would go all over Trinidad to par­tic­i­pate in var­i­ous com­pe­ti­tions.

The fam­i­ly fur­ther stat­ed that be­sides mi­nor is­sues with his hear­ing, he is healthy, ag­ile and that they are in­deed grate­ful that he “has come a long way.”


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