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Monday, February 17, 2025

Tunapuna Corp reopens Wednesday after virus scare


Rishard Khan
1441 days ago
A person walks on the compound of the Tunapuna Piarco Regional Corporation, which was closed to sanitize yesterday.

A person walks on the compound of the Tunapuna Piarco Regional Corporation, which was closed to sanitize yesterday.


The Tu­na­puna Pi­ar­co Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion (TPRC) is set to re­open its doors to the pub­lic Wednes­day af­ter clos­ing for sani­ti­sa­tion Tues­day.  

In a brief state­ment to Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, TPRC chair­man Kwasi Robin­son said the of­fices were sani­tised af­ter an em­ploy­ee had to be quar­an­tined be­cause of ex­po­sure to COVID-19.

"In an abun­dance of cau­tion we'd have moved up the week­ly sani­ti­sa­tion from Fri­day to to­day (Tues­day) pro­tect the man­age­ment, staff and the burgess­es at large," he said.

"So we'd open to­mor­row (Wednes­day), as usu­al, we just felt it nec­es­sary to- al­though we try to main­tain our pro­to­cols- pro­tect all stake­hold­ers as much as pos­si­ble."

Robin­son said he was not aware of the par­tic­u­lars of the em­ploy­ee who had to be quar­an­tined but in­di­cat­ed they were await­ing a COVID-19 test re­sult.

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