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Friday, March 7, 2025

Tunapuna man charged with obtaining property using a dishonoured cheque


1402 days ago

A Tu­na­puna man was grant­ed bail for $60,000 af­ter he ap­peared vir­tu­al­ly be­fore Jus­tice of the Peace, Stephen Young on May 3rd charged with ob­tain­ing prop­er­ty us­ing a dis­hon­oured cheque.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, Je­re­mi­ah Man­rakhan, 58, of Man­rakhan Lane, Main­got Road, Tu­na­puna, pur­chased a quan­ti­ty of al­co­holic and non-al­co­holic bev­er­ages from a dis­trib­u­tor and re­port­ed­ly paid with a bankers’ cheque in the sum of $TTD 5,782.33.
The cheque was ac­cept­ed as pay­ment, how­ev­er, when de­posit­ed it was re­turned, “re­fer to draw­er”. The ac­cused was in­formed of the dis­hon­oured cheque by reg­is­tered mail, as ef­forts to con­tact him proved fu­tile.

The ac­cused re­port­ed­ly failed to make any pay­ments. The dis­trib­u­tor re­port­ed the mat­ter to the Fraud Squad. In­ves­ti­ga­tions were con­duct­ed by W/Ag Cpl Adams and WPC Gowrie of the Fraud Squad and Man­rakhan was charged on Mon­day 3rd May, 2021. He is ex­pect­ed to ap­pear vir­tu­al­ly at the Port of Spain Mag­is­trates’ Court on Thurs­day 3rd June, 2021 to an­swer to the charges.

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