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Friday, March 7, 2025

Tunapuna man in court for murder


1228 days ago
Amunikae Antoine. (Image courtesy TTPS)

Amunikae Antoine. (Image courtesy TTPS)

A 27-year-old man charged with mur­der has been re­mand­ed in­to cus­tody fol­low­ing a vir­tu­al ap­pear­ance be­fore Mag­is­trate In­dra Ramoo-Haynes yes­ter­day, at the Tu­na­puna Mag­is­trates’ Court.

AMU­NIKAE AN­TOINE was not called up­on to plead when he ap­peared vir­tu­al­ly be­fore the Mag­is­trate Ramoo-Haynes.

His mat­ter has been ad­journed to No­vem­ber 22nd.

A re­lease from the Po­lice Ser­vice says AN­TOINE, of Main­got Road, Tu­na­puna and En­ter­prise, Ch­agua­nas, was charged with the mur­der of Jerome Levar Guisep­pi, 29, fol­low­ing ad­vice re­ceived from the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions, Roger Gas­pard, SC on Oc­to­ber 23rd.

Ac­cord­ing to in­for­ma­tion re­ceived by of­fi­cers, on Feb­ru­ary 22nd, Guisep­pi would have gone to a shop to pur­chase some items when he al­leged­ly was ap­proached by a man known to him. Po­lice learned that an ar­gu­ment en­sued which es­ca­lat­ed, dur­ing which Guisep­pi was stabbed about his chest with an ob­ject.  He col­lapsed at the scene.

Guisep­pi died while en route to the hos­pi­tal.

The mat­ter was in­ves­ti­gat­ed by Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions (Re­gion Two) and AN­TOINE was ar­rest­ed on Oc­to­ber 20th, and charged on 24th Oc­to­ber, by PC Be­nal­do, who is the com­plainant in this mat­ter.

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