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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Two killed in Manzanilla crash


1991 days ago
The mangled wreckage of the Nissan Wingroad in which Allisha Carrington and her nephew Peter Carrington lost their lives in an accident in Manzanilla, yesterday.

The mangled wreckage of the Nissan Wingroad in which Allisha Carrington and her nephew Peter Carrington lost their lives in an accident in Manzanilla, yesterday.


A woman and her 11-year-old nephew were killed in a ve­hic­u­lar ac­ci­dent on the Man­zanil­la Road yes­ter­day morn­ing.

All­isha Car­ring­ton, 35, dri­ver of a Nis­san Wingroad, and her nephew Pe­ter Car­ring­ton died at the scene. They suf­fered in­juries to the head, chest legs and oth­er parts of their body when their car col­lid­ed with a truck dri­ven by Ker­wyn Lynch of Mal­oney, at around 9.30 am

Three oth­er chil­dren were tak­en to the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal where they are ward­ed in se­ri­ous con­di­tion. Lynch was al­so tak­en to the hos­pi­tal where he was treat­ed and dis­charged.

A dis­trict med­ical of­fi­cer viewed the bod­ies and or­dered their re­moval to the Mt Hope Mor­tu­ary where an au­top­sy is ex­pect­ed to be con­duct­ed on Mon­day.

Vis­it­ing the scene were ASP Re­vanales, Cpl Khan, PCs Bar­ran and Thomas and mem­bers of CSI San­gre Grande. Cpl Khan of the Man­zanil­la Po­lice Sta­tion, is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

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