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Friday, March 7, 2025

Two men shot dead in Carapo


Anna-Lisa Paul
1227 days ago
Undertakers remove the bodies of murder victims Richie Ragoo and Nyron Philip on Monday night.

Undertakers remove the bodies of murder victims Richie Ragoo and Nyron Philip on Monday night.


Two men were killed in a shoot­ing in Cara­po on Mon­day night.

The vic­tims were iden­ti­fied as Ny­ron Philip, 42, of Cara­po Main Road and Richie Ra­goo, 33, of Jokhan Trace, Cara­po.

Philip, a lor­ry dri­ver and fa­ther of four, along with Ra­goo, died in­stant­ly af­ter a masked gun­man en­tered Ra­goo’s me­chan­ic shop and opened fire on them.

A third man, aged 21, al­so of Jokhan Trace, was in­jured dur­ing the in­ci­dent.

The dou­ble mur­der oc­curred around 9.25 pm, while the men were lim­ing and drink­ing at Ra­goo’s garage, where they had just fin­ished in­stalling a gear­box in Philip’s truck.

Ra­goo was shot nine times while Philip was shot twice.

The third man was tak­en to hos­pi­tal, where he re­mained ward­ed in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion up to last evening.

The wives of both men vis­it­ed the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, yes­ter­day but de­clined to speak, as they be­came emo­tion­al af­ter view­ing their bod­ies for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion.

Oth­er rel­a­tives of Philip de­scribed him as a de­vot­ed fam­i­ly man who was al­ways on the go.

Nyron Philip’s common-law wife Sarah Basdeo, left, chats with Ritchie Ragoo’s common-law wife Fareeda Mohammed, as they wait to view the bodies at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday.  Both men were shot in Carapo on Monday night.

Nyron Philip’s common-law wife Sarah Basdeo, left, chats with Ritchie Ragoo’s common-law wife Fareeda Mohammed, as they wait to view the bodies at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday. Both men were shot in Carapo on Monday night.


Con­cerned about the con­tin­ued well-be­ing of his four chil­dren, whose ages range from 17 years to 11 months, as Philip was the sole bread­win­ner for his fam­i­ly, they vowed to step up and do what is need­ed.

Philip’s youngest son was due to be chris­tened next month.

Rel­a­tives said they will await the ar­rival of his two el­dest daugh­ters from the US be­fore fu­ner­al arrange­ments are fi­nalised.

Po­lice have ruled out rob­bery as the mo­tive, as noth­ing was tak­en from the dead men fol­low­ing the shoot­ing.

Philip’s rel­a­tives claimed he was, “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Gun vi­o­lence has con­tin­ued to es­ca­late in Cara­po, as yes­ter­day’s mur­ders fol­low just two months af­ter five men from the area were ex­e­cut­ed by gun­men in Au­gust.

The five—Avinash Sookraj, 32; Rus­sel Poon, 53; Radish Pooran, 54; Ryan Sookraj, 27, and Jim­my Poon, 26—were all found dead near a riv­er not far from their homes lo­cat­ed off Race­course Road, Cara­po.

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