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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Vanus James writes off Farley’s THA, Duke’s PDP


Gail Alexander
623 days ago
Tobago economist Dr Vanus James

Tobago economist Dr Vanus James


Se­nior Po­lit­i­cal Re­porter

To­ba­go econ­o­mist Dr Vanus James, who once cam­paigned for the Pro­gres­sive De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Pa­tri­ots (PDP) and To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly Chief Sec­re­tary Far­ley Au­gus­tine, is now cam­paign­ing for a new gov­er­nance sys­tem in the THA.

And if that means cam­paign­ing against them, “so be it,” James said yes­ter­day.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia, James point­ed out that he’d nev­er been a mem­ber of any par­ty but once vig­or­ous­ly cam­paigned for the PDP and ad­vised them. Now he’s slam­ming both the Au­gus­tine-led THA and PDP leader Wat­son Duke, whose chances to re­turn to gov­er­nance on the is­land, he said, are over.

Speak­ing as a con­cerned To­bag­on­ian who wants the best for the is­land and coun­try, James took is­sue with the con­tro­ver­sial voice note re­cent­ly leaked on so­cial me­dia, in which in­di­vid­u­als dis­cussed hir­ing per­sons un­der the THA to al­leged­ly spread pro­pa­gan­da on be­half of the new To­ba­go Peo­ple’s Par­ty.

Au­gus­tine and his ex­ec­u­tive have failed to ad­dress the mat­ter pub­licly since it was put in­to the pub­lic do­main three weeks ago, al­though it has caused a firestorm in To­ba­go and na­tion­al­ly.

Frown­ing on the THA lead­ers’ long­stand­ing si­lence on the is­sue, James said, “The sit­u­a­tion is straight­for­ward. There are two peo­ple in To­ba­go who knows if it’s an au­then­tic voice note: Far­ley and Ed­u­ca­tion Sec­re­tary Zor­isha Hack­ette.

“Since they know and are such im­por­tant THA mem­bers, they ought to tell To­bag­o­ni­ans if it’s au­then­tic or not, they ought to ex­plain and say what they’re try­ing to do as far as they know. As the law pro­vides, they can be guilty with ex­pla­na­tions. This com­plete si­lence is cost­ing them the last ves­tiges of their cred­i­bil­i­ty.”

But James said he wasn’t among those who want an im­me­di­ate THA elec­tion, since To­ba­go must in­stead first fight for a changed sys­tem of gov­er­nance to pre­vent good peo­ple en­ter­ing the sys­tem from be­com­ing “dev­ils” lat­er.

“We need a sys­tem to al­low To­bag­o­ni­ans to su­per­vise their gov­ern­ment prop­er­ly and pre­vent any­one else whom they put in pow­er to be­have this way.”

James added that au­ton­o­my is a big part of the process, as it’s re­quired for To­ba­go to make laws (which it cur­rent­ly can’t do) and es­pe­cial­ly for non-ex­ec­u­tive mem­bers to reg­u­late the Ex­ec­u­tive Coun­cil’s be­hav­iour.

”We need to move in this di­rec­tion be­fore any THA elec­tion to al­low things to op­er­ate bet­ter,” James said, adding he’s cam­paign­ing ac­tive­ly to change the sys­tem to­wards im­prove­ments and re­move what ob­tains in THA now.

On if he’ll sup­port the PDP or Au­gus­tine in the next elec­tion, James said the Au­gus­tine ad­min­is­tra­tion has lost cred­i­bil­i­ty and he didn’t think there’s any come­back for them, es­pe­cial­ly since they had demon­strat­ed “a lot of in­com­pe­tence.”

He al­so felt there’s no chance of Duke re­turn­ing as a po­lit­i­cal force in To­ba­go.

“He’s lost his … po­lit­i­cal di­rec­tion,” James added.

James said there was no go­ing back to the PNM, how­ev­er, as To­bag­o­ni­ans couldn’t sup­port a par­ty that wasn’t open to de­mo­c­ra­t­ic struc­tures for peo­ple to prac­tice ful­ly in the par­ty and wasn’t will­ing to change To­ba­go’s gov­er­nance sys­tem to al­low de­ci­sion-mak­ing in the way re­quired.

“Peo­ple will go nowhere re­turn­ing to PNM or stay­ing with Far­ley and com­pa­ny,” James said.

Say­ing he’s cam­paigned all his life for a To­ba­go par­ty gen­uine­ly in­ter­est­ed in build­ing for growth, James added that it’s time for To­bag­o­ni­ans to move on and do that now and for se­ri­ous steps to­wards progress on that, “Both in Trinidad, as well as To­ba­go.”

Say­ing he talks to peo­ple con­tin­u­ous­ly on chang­ing the sys­tem, James said, “That’s first and fore­most—chang­ing it so no one else will be­have the way they’re be­hav­ing. And if they’re the tar­get of my cam­paign – so be it.”

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