Senior Multimedia Reporter
Grades for the University of the West Indies (UWI) St Augustine students are expected to be uploaded by tomorrow after WIGUT president Dr Indira Rampersad confirmed a six per cent wage settlement with the Government covering two negotiating periods.
In an interview with Guardian Media, Dr Rampersad stated that WIGUT accepted the Government’s 0-0-3, 0-0-3 wage proposal—totalling a six per cent increase—amid ongoing national uncertainties. The union settled for the period 2014 to 2020.
“They (WIGUT members) didn’t think it was adequate; they didn’t think it is in any way comparable to the SRC reports, 47 per cent for the prime minister, and those high increases for government officials. Or even comparable with the Cave Hill campus or with UTT and Lok Jack nationally. They will also look at the very, very uncertain political and economic climate, with election looming while we’re in a state of emergency, acting Commissioner of Police, the interim prime minister pending, and the crime situation. So with all of these uncertainties, and in general, they thought that they would consider this,” said Rampersad.
She said the union also considered the Government’s suggestion that an improved wage settlement would be offered for the 2024 bargaining period.
She said the lecturers never intended to derail the progress of students.
“Everybody’s concerned about the disruptions, and we got included. We never wanted to target our students. Our actions never targeted our students. The students’ guild is actually in solidarity with our cause, not our action, which is okay,” she said.
“The principal is still concerned about the brain drain, okay, the human capital flight. We are also concerned whether she can still attract staff, and this increase will not do so. It will not do so because people are leaving in droves. She’s very worried or very concerned about the future of the university and our capacity to sustain it without the quality staff that we need, given these paltry salaries; the salaries are still paltry.”
Dr Rampersad, however, felt the settlement would do little to address other major pressing concerns faced by the university.
“We are not celebrating. We are not joyous. We are not, you know, happy. We are relieved. Certainly, you know, the executive is relieved because this is extremely hard work,” Dr Rampersad added.
Principal relieved industrial peace restored
UWI St Augustine Campus Principal Rose-Marie Belle Antoine said she was relieved to have industrial peace restored but agreed the loss of academic staff remained a concern.
“I think a good first step has been made. We will be working toward a job evaluation because the larger issues remain–our salaries are not competitive–although we are the No 1 university in the Caribbean and the top three per cent in the world, we are way behind institutions here in T&T and the region in terms of remuneration.
“The practical consequence of that is that we are having difficulty attracting and even retaining staff. I had six (6) academics resign two weeks ago! S o I remain worried about the implications for the quality assurance and sustainability of the UWI. However, I thank the Gov’t for this first positive step,” said Prof Belle Antoine.