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Saturday, March 15, 2025

WPC makes music again months after being shot


80 days ago
WPC Quianna Mahabir, who was shot by gunmen in October, is playing the drums again.

WPC Quianna Mahabir, who was shot by gunmen in October, is playing the drums again.


Three months af­ter be­ing shot by a gun­man out­side her home, a WPC is back be­hind a drum set, mak­ing mu­sic again.

WPC Quian­na Ma­habir, 30, was shot twice in Oc­to­ber af­ter re­turn­ing to Trinidad with 16 oth­er fe­male mem­bers of the Po­lice Band fol­low­ing a 12-day tour of the Ba­hamas and New Jer­sey. The of­fi­cer has been a drum­mer in the Po­lice Band for the past three years.

Ma­habir, of Ca­roni, along with a fe­male friend, were am­bushed in what was be­lieved to be an at­tempt­ed rob­bery by two armed men. The ban­dits re­port­ed­ly at­tempt­ed to en­ter the ve­hi­cle and opened fire af­ter they were un­suc­cess­ful.

Ma­habir had been list­ed in se­ri­ous con­di­tion at the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex af­ter the shoot­ing but slow­ly re­cov­ered from her in­juries.

On Christ­mas Eve, the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice re­leased a video on its Face­book page of Ma­habir play­ing drums once again.

The TTPS stat­ed about Ma­habir, “You over­came in­cred­i­ble chal­lenges, and we cel­e­brate your re­mark­able re­cov­ery and un­wa­ver­ing re­silience.”

Ma­habir was sur­round­ed by mem­bers of the TTPS’ Vic­tims and Wit­ness Sup­port Unit and oth­er of­fi­cers as they sang: “Glo­ry, glo­ry Lord, you are a mighty God.”

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