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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Yung Bredda, Trinidad Killa move on to Ultimate Soca Champion semis


20 days ago
Yung Bredda

Yung Bredda

Ten Youth and 20 Ul­ti­mate So­ca Cham­pi­on con­tes­tants have been se­lect­ed to move on to the Se­mi-fi­nal round of the com­pe­ti­tion which will take place on Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 9th at Na­pari­ma Bowl Am­phithe­atre San Fer­nan­do. The fi­nals are on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 20th at the Queens Park Sa­van­nah.

The fol­low­ing artistes will com­pete in the se­mi-fi­nal for a chance 

at the crown of the Ul­ti­mate So­ca Cham­pi­on 2025, and the grand prize of $1,000,000. (In al­pha­bet­i­cal or­der)

1. Ani­ka Berry- Sad­dle 

2. An­thonell Bra­vo - Rough It Up 

3. Bla­ka Dan - Bless­ings (Grena­da) 

4. Cas­sell - Sen­sa­tion­al 

5. Dash - The Tape (Grena­da) 

6. Ding Dong - Throw Back

7. G.I -Mockin Mouth 

8. Imani Ray- Own It (USA) 

9. Iw­er George - Yes I do 

10. Jadel - Jam Some­body

11. Ju­by - More Gyal

12. Kris Kennedy- No Way

13. Nailah Black­man - For­ev­er

14. Nes­sa Prep­py x M1- Mu­sic is Life 

15. Or­lan­do Oc­tave - Auc­tion

16. Preedy- Blaze Fire 

17. Swap­pi - Stamp It

18. Tril­la G- Some­one Else (Do­mini­ca) 

19. Trinidad Kil­la - Es­ki­mo 

20. Yung Bred­da - Great­est Bend Over

Re­serve : Snakey - De Ham­mer

Youth So­ca Cham­pi­on Se­mi-Fi­nal­ists The fol­low­ing artistes will com­pete for a chance at the crown of the Youth So­ca Cham­pi­on 2025, and the grand prize of $200,000. (In al­pha­bet­i­cal or­der)

1. Aaron Dun­can - One of a Kind 2. Chris­to - Uni­ty 

3. Ju­ni­ah Li­fa - Se­crets

4. Kristi­na - Like Dat 

5. Paris Coutain - Lick Up

6. Sack­ie - Ta­ble 

7. Seyi - From the Caribbean

8. Shéquan - Flat­ten It (Grena­da)

9. Su­cre - The Great­est

10. Verrse - Pump It Up

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