I would like to comment upon two issues concerning the functioning of PANTRINBAGO’s management team both past and present.
Two articles in the Guardian newspapers on consecutive days in November 2019 – 17 and 18 concerns the past regime. The second issue is with the behaviour of the President of the present regime at a recent meeting.
These two articles referred to above would leave any sane person completely baffled at the performance of the then mamagement.
A forensic report forwarded by the auditors Ernst & Young & Co exposed the flagrant disregard of proper accounting by the then mamagement group headed by its president Mr Keith Diaz. I mention his name only from the team because later on in this article his name would rise again.
Audited reports are suppose to give a true and accurate picture of financial performances. This audit presented a dismal display of wanton mismanagement of funds allotted to this group, mainly from Government to help pay for expenses.
Perhaps both Government and the present Pantribago Executive must investigate the previous management group asking them to account for their actions or lack thereof.
Possibly the auditors can be called upon to explain their failure in getting the then management crew to explain all the irregularities that had taken place continually over a period of time.
Turning to our current management team, I would like the president, Beverly Ramsey-Moore to explain to steelband members of Pantrinbago why she recommended verbally to and I quote “Bury the Report” and then later to vehemtly deny audibly voicing those words. I heard her myself and I am at a loss to understand the logic behind her now denial of having said those words.
The representative for Power Stars Steel Orch., while addressing the floor after Madam President utterances, rejected the idea of moving on without taking any action to rectify the past.
He was interruted by the word “Timing” being repeated three time by someone at the head table followed by the question “You want to see Diaz in handcuffs?”
Can it be a slight touch of” Senior moment” affliction being the cause of the denial of having said “Bury the report”? I would like to hope that is the case.
This issue is not about Diaz or anyone else from the past management being “hancuffed” It is about honouring your commitment to panmen.
Madame President it would go a long way to restoring confidence in you, to hear you admit to having erred. I trust that won’t be long in coming.
Michael Franco