Increasing oil production in Trinidad cannot be done on short-term drilling contracts. T&T needs three rigs drilling on land and two off the west coast drilling on a continuous basis to move our oil production back up to 100,000 BOPD.
SPT needs to be lowered in order to encourage Heritage, and other oil companies to drill more to increase production.
There are no plans for drilling on the West Coast next year and from October drilling on the East Coast will be reduced...
Companies need to be encouraged to drill exploration wells to find deeper reserves and allowing the full capital cost of these wells to be written off against SPT.
Clico expectations—what is going on? We need to know.
Indiscipline in schools as gangs take over children.
Because of the downsize in the economy, companies’ have laid off staff and the Government should say what they are doing to give employment to the thousands of school leavers’ annually and the business sector needs the VAT refunds to enable some of them to kick start the construction sector.
Pensioners’ should not still be paying Income Tax on their pensions’ after having worked all their life paying Income Tax and now retired, their pensions’ are still having Income Tax deducted.
In this budget, he needs to bring back 2.5 per cent tariff on capital goods or some of the items as he did with VAT.
The minister has to look at his allocations to the ministries that are not producing.
Budget 2019 will as always contain a lot of proposals but little results.
Firstly do a review and report to citizens on the last budget ministry by ministry.
No serious attention is being given to the environment waste management, disposal and recycling of garbage.
France just banned plastic cups. What are we doing? Resolve the deplorable situation of humans, classified vagrants, visible on our city streets. Fix the attitude of civil servants in delivery of service.
No audited financials from Tobago for the billions allocated over the past years. I expect the customary more talk and less achievement!
Gordon Laughlin