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Friday, February 28, 2025

16 Tobago coaches training for TTFA C licence certification


496 days ago
Technical director of TTFA Anton Corneal, standing, looks on as Donnie Stewart, left, makes his point to fellow participants Delroy Patterson and Bernard Allum on the first day of the TTFA C Licence Course for Coaches at the Conference Room of the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Bacolet, Tobago, last week Thursday. Picture CLAYTON CLARKE

Technical director of TTFA Anton Corneal, standing, looks on as Donnie Stewart, left, makes his point to fellow participants Delroy Patterson and Bernard Allum on the first day of the TTFA C Licence Course for Coaches at the Conference Room of the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Bacolet, Tobago, last week Thursday. Picture CLAYTON CLARKE

To­ba­go Cor­re­spon­dent

Six­teen coach­es in To­ba­go are par­tic­i­pat­ing in the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion’s (TTFA) C Li­cence Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gramme which got un­der­way at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um in Ba­co­let, To­ba­go, last Thurs­day.

Tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor of the TTFA, An­ton Corneal, along with the TTFA’s head of coach­ing ed­u­ca­tion Ra­jesh Latchoo, and coach­ing ed­u­ca­tor Paul De­cle are con­duct­ing the train­ing. The du­ra­tion of the course is three months.

Corneal says dur­ing the ini­tial week-long work­shop, the par­tic­i­pants looked at the phas­es of plan­ning a train­ing ses­sion.

“We are through things like Ses­sion Plan­ning. We are go­ing through Lead­er­ship. We did a de­mo ses­sion in Ply­mouth where coach­es will not on­ly be to see and why it is done but asked ques­tions and then they them­selves will have to de­sign coach­ing ses­sions based on a spe­cif­ic top­ic.”

Corneal ex­plained that over the 90 days of train­ing, there will be the­o­ry and prac­ti­cal ses­sions.

“It’s a three-month course where it is di­vid­ed in­to blocks. This is the first block which is re­al­ly five days and then they go in­to a de­vel­op­ment pe­ri­od in groups of four where they will go back in­to their own en­vi­ron­ment and pret­ty much get to prac­tise what was done.”

He added that the C Li­cense Course is be­ing of­fered to To­ba­go coach­es for the sec­ond time for the year. The for­mer na­tion­al play­er and coach fur­ther said that suc­cess­ful coach­es can now vie for coach­ing stints at schools.

“Hope­ful­ly, this lev­el li­cense will be one that will af­ford them to coach in the (foot­ball) acad­e­mies, in the school’s pro­grammes, and Un­der-16 and U-14,” said Corneal.

He told Guardian Me­dia that the suc­cess­ful par­tic­i­pants can look for­ward to ad­vance them­selves fur­ther say­ing, “In the near fu­ture we will be do­ing a B Li­cence Course in To­ba­go over the next month or two.”

Corneal shared that the coach­ing dri­ve by the TTFA is an at­tempt by the lo­cal gov­ern­ing body for foot­ball to in­crease the num­ber of qual­i­fied coach­es in the coun­try.

“What we are hop­ing to do is that is get all our coach­es cer­ti­fied whether they coach at the high school lev­el, the club lev­el, the acad­e­mies or na­tion­al­ly.”

Ac­cord­ing to Corneal, A Li­cence Course is al­so cur­rent­ly tak­ing place.

He said, “Our pro­gramme is one that we are able to fa­cil­i­tate A Li­cence Course. We have three of them so far. The first one is fin­ish­ing in a few months. We have per­sons from all across the Caribbean tak­ing part in this A Li­cence Course. It is just part of our path­way where some­one is able to come in­to us from the C Prep, which is the D Li­cence, take part in our C and B Li­cence cours­es, and then move on to take part in our A Li­cence cours­es.”

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