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Monday, February 17, 2025

Basketball launches another fundraiser through


Sports Desk
921 days ago
Ayodeji Iwaro of the Maloney Pacers basketball club and Youth development programme. He was part of the NBA and FIBA’s Basketball Without Borders (BWB) Americas Camp in Mexico in May.

Ayodeji Iwaro of the Maloney Pacers basketball club and Youth development programme. He was part of the NBA and FIBA’s Basketball Without Borders (BWB) Americas Camp in Mexico in May.

Courtesy Maloney Pacers

The Na­tion­al Bas­ket­ball Fed­er­a­tion of T&T (NBFTT) is reach­ing out to the pub­lic once again, this time to cov­er the cost of every­thing for the na­tion­al men’s Un­der-18 team, who has qual­i­fied for the FI­BA 3x3 U-18 World Cup, which will take place from Au­gust 23-28 in De­bre­cen, Hun­gary.

The pools were con­firmed on Au­gust 4 and T&T will com­pete in Pool A ver­sus Egypt, Ger­many, Hun­gary and Ser­bia. List­ed to rep­re­sent T&T ac­cord­ing the FI­BA web­site are Carif­ta Games reign­ing high jump gold medal­list Aaron An­toine, Ay­o­de­ji Iwaro, who was part of the NBA and FI­BA’s Bas­ket­ball With­out Bor­ders (BWB) Amer­i­c­as Camp in Mex­i­co in May, Tyrese Fields and Jaden Roberts. The lo­cal team’s open­ing match is card­ed for Au­gust 24 against the Egyp­tians.

The NBFTT-led by Claire Mitchell cre­at­ed a page on Fund­met­ on Sat­ur­day, as a fund-rais­er cam­paign, with the goal of rais­ing TT$230,000. As of 4 pm Wednes­day with 10 days left, no funds have been raised.

Just last month, coach of the na­tion­al Un­der-16 bas­ket­ball team, Learie Sandy, start­ed a Go­fundme page in aid of the youth team to com­pete at the Women’s Cen­trobas­ket U-17 Qual­i­fiers in Man­agua, Nicaragua.

Then, a week be­fore the start of the Qual­i­fiers, the NBFTT via its coach­ing staff, re­quest­ed as­sis­tance to raise some TT$183,060 (US$27,000) but raised TT$49,465.15. The funds were need­ed to cov­er the air­fare for the team. On­ly eight of the 12 play­ers and the full coach­ing staff (four) trav­elled to the com­pe­ti­tion. The T&T U-16 team lost four of its five match­es dur­ing the cam­paign.

Ac­cord­ing to the NBFTT, the men’s U-18 na­tion­al 3x3 team is ranked among the top 20 coun­tries in the world and stat­ed on its Face­book page that: “Com­pet­ing at the World Cup pro­vides a huge op­por­tu­ni­ty to show­case our abun­dant tal­ent and a chance to build on this ex­pe­ri­ence in the fu­ture. All funds raised will go to­wards the ad­vance­ment of the pro­gramme, and we ap­pre­ci­ate any con­tri­bu­tion you can pro­vide.”

The NBFTT’s post on the Fund­met­ page, us­ing the head­ing, “Jour­ney to the FI­BA 3x3 U-18 World Cup 2022”, states: “As the group em­barks on this his­toric jour­ney to T&T’s first-ever ap­pear­ance at a bas­ket­ball World Cup (at any lev­el), the team re­quires sup­port with:

- tour­na­ments reg­is­tra­tion fees (ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$7,000.00); - prac­tice equip­ment – 3x3 balls, re­versable vests (ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$7,000.00); - re­fresh­ments – wa­ter, fruits (ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$6,000.00).

“Ad­di­tion­al­ly, when trav­el­ling to Hun­gary the team will re­quire funds for: air­line tick­ets – play­ers, coach­ing staff and a na­tion­al co­or­di­na­tor (ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$174,000.00); ac­com­mo­da­tion (ap­prox­i­mate­ly $25,000.00); tour­na­ment equip­ment – trav­el kit, play­ing kits, warm-up kits, sneak­ers, socks (ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$9,000.00); meals (lunch, snacks, din­ner) which will cost ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$8,000.00.

Com­pet­ing in the oth­er groups are Kyr­gys­tan, Chile, Latvia, Mon­go­lia and Por­tu­gal in Pool B; Es­to­nia, Slove­nia, France, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic and USA in Pool C; and in Pool D, Ukraine, Brazil, Lithua­nia, Kaza­khstan and Bahrain.

On­ly the top two teams from each pool ad­vance to the quar­ter-fi­nals on Au­gust 27. Pool A first place team will play Pool C sec­ond-placed team. Pool D1 vs Pool B2; Pool B1 vs Pool D2; and Pool C1 vs Pool A2. The win­ners will progress to the semi­fi­nals sched­uled for Au­gust 28 with the fi­nal card­ed lat­er that day. The third place match will take place ahead of the ti­tle match.  

Bas­ket­ball al­so par­tic­i­pat­ed in the 3x3 tour­na­ment at the Birm­ing­ham 2022 Com­mon­wealth Games with a team that com­prised Steven “Lighter” Lewis, Adri­an Joseph, Shel­don “Ko­to” Chris­t­ian and Kem­rick Julien. T&T was un­suc­cess­ful against Aus­tralia 21-6, Eng­land 21-6 and New Zealand 21-12 in its three-match cam­paign and missed out on ad­vanc­ing to the quar­ter-fi­nals in the nine-team com­pe­ti­tion. 

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