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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Bella Riva steals ARC resumption spotlight


Kelvin "N"
1724 days ago
Jockey Naim Samaroo riding Reggae Rhythm eases his mount down at the finish line, when winning Satuday’s feature event over 1,350 metres at Santa Rosa Park, Arima.  Reggae Rhythm beats Regal Intension with jockey Kimal Santo into second place in the  Modified Benchmark Handicap for Three-Year Olds and over Horses at Santa Rosa Park, Arima.  PHOTO:ABRAHAM DIAZ

Jockey Naim Samaroo riding Reggae Rhythm eases his mount down at the finish line, when winning Satuday’s feature event over 1,350 metres at Santa Rosa Park, Arima. Reggae Rhythm beats Regal Intension with jockey Kimal Santo into second place in the Modified Benchmark Handicap for Three-Year Olds and over Horses at Santa Rosa Park, Arima. PHOTO:ABRAHAM DIAZ

Abraham Diaz

Bel­la Ri­va, the Jet­sam Award win­ner for the Cham­pi­on Ju­ve­nile of 2019, stretched her un­beat­en record to five suc­cess­es from as many starts when she cruised to vic­to­ry on Sat­ur­day in the fi­nal event on Day Nine of the Ari­ma Race Club (ARC) rac­ing sea­son which sig­nalled the re-start of lo­cal rac­ing af­ter the coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) pan­dem­ic.

Bel­la Ri­va was sent off as the pro­hib­i­tive favourite, at odds of 3-5 and she did not dis­ap­point her back­ers, as she cruised to an im­pres­sive suc­cess in the time of 1:12.3. The Poon Tip Stud Farm owned fil­ly scored by 3 3/4 lengths from sta­ble­mate News Flash.

From the start, Bri­an Boodram­s­ing was con­tent­ed to track to the ear­ly pace set by Spring Val­ley and Ma­ha Ra­ja. How­ev­er, at the far turn Boodram­s­ing asked the daugh­ter of Saint Vigeur/Grand Riv­iere to take a clos­er look at the or­der. Com­ing to the cor­ner Boodram­s­ing al­lowed the fil­ly an inch of rein and she loomed up on the out­side of Spring Val­ley and Ma­ha Ra­ja, as sta­ble­mate News Flash be­gan to ad­vance to the lead­ers.

On en­ter­ing the straight Bel­la Ri­va had al­ready kicked two lengths clear and was eas­i­ly putting day­light be­tween her­self and her ri­vals. At the Line, Bel­la Ri­va en­hanced her 'Triple Crown' as­pi­ra­tion with im­pres­sive suc­cess. Sta­ble­mate News Flash was sec­ond with Fast N Fu­ri­ous run­ning on for third ahead of ear­ly leader Spring Val­ley.

In the fea­ture Mod­i­fied Bench­mark Hand­i­cap for three-year-old and Over Hors­es Rat­ed 80-60 over on the main track.

Out­sider Reg­gae Rhythm land­ing a gam­ble when up­set­ting the field at 23-1. Reg­gae Rhythm swooped to con­quer at the dis­tance and ran away from his ri­vals un­der Ke­iron Raza­ck for train­er R Lal­la Ma­haraj.

The sev­en-year-old was al­ways front rank along­side the du­elling lead­ers Desert Dancer and In­tegri­ty. At the hors­es swung for home Desert Dancer still held sway from In­tegri­ty with Reg­gae Rhythm be­ing pro­duced on the out­side. With 200 me­tres left Reg­gae Rhythm was sent for home and he opened up a two-length gap on his near­est pur­suer.

At the line, Reg­gae Rhythm was a com­fort­able win­ner by 1 3/4 lengths from Re­gal In­ten­sion which was run­ning on in the clos­ing stages with Amer­i­can Dil­lon nab­bing Desert Dancer on the line for third mon­ey.

Bel­la Ri­va will now wait un­til Au­gust 1, for her tilt at the first jew­el of lo­cal rac­ing "Triple Crown'- the Guineas.



1*(10)*Bel­la Ri­va*B Boodram­s­ing*51.5*

2*(4)*News Flash*R Jadoo*54*

3*(7)*Fast'N'Fu­ri­ous*N Sama­roo*56.5*

4*(1)*Spring Val­ley*K San­to*51*

5*(9)*Chin­ta*B Pa­hal*55*

TIME: 1:12.3 DIS­TANCES: 3 3/4, 1 1/4, Sh.Head, 3/4.

$1PARI: (10) $1.65; $1.35; (4) $1.75; (7) $1.20

$1EX­AC­TA: $4.70

TRI­FEC­TA: $11.30

SU­PER­FEC­TA: $209.30

HI-5: $407.10

WIN­NER: 3 y.o DK B fil­ly - Saint Vigeur/Grand Riv­iere (A Great Team)

OWN­ER: Poon Tip Stud Farm Lim­it­ed TRAIN­ER: J O'Brien

BREED­ER: Poon Tip Stud Farm Lim­it­ed

AL­SO RAN: 6. Ma­ha Ra­ja O Mo­hammed 55.5; 7. Nabawi N Abrego 57.5; 8. Sen­te­bale R Ali 54.5; 9. Ben Is Back P Badrie 57.

NON-RUN­NER: Leonar­do An­gel.

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