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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Blackpool to honour Corneal at Memorial match


Walter Alibey
8 days ago
Anton Corneal, to be honoured by Blackpool Sports Club.

Anton Corneal, to be honoured by Blackpool Sports Club.

The Black­pool Sports Club from Mt Lam­bert will stage its 34th an­nu­al Old Boys Foot­ball match in mem­o­ry of one of its founders Ce­cil “Ra­jay” Joseph Sun­day at 4 pm at the Aranguez Sa­van­nah.

The match will be played on the ad­ja­cent Strollers ground as the Black­pool ground was scorched by a bush fire re­cent­ly.

The match has be­come a fix­ture in the Black­pool cal­en­dar, as it, has not on­ly led to the ho­n­our­ing of a few icons who made con­tri­bu­tions in both sports and cul­ture but pro­vides an event their mem­bers look for­ward to.

This year, the club will ho­n­our An­ton Corneal, the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion's tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor who is al­so a cur­rent FI­FA se­nior In­struc­tor, for his de­vel­op­ment of foot­ball in the re­gion.

Corneal, the son of an­oth­er foot­ball icon Alvin Corneal who rep­re­sent­ed the coun­try with cred­it in both foot­ball and crick­et, was one of three leg­ends to be ho­n­oured. The oth­ers are Dr Pel­ham God­dard who has made a name for him­self for his con­tri­bu­tion to steel band and mu­sic, Har­ri­dath "Jack­head" Singh, for his con­tri­bu­tion to the suc­cess of lo­cal clubs Klondykes and Let’s Laff, and Ruthven Rouse, for ser­vices to An­gelics and Pe­tit Bourg Old Boys teams.

The day's ac­tiv­i­ties will fea­ture a three-team round-robin tour­na­ment fea­tur­ing Moo­sai’s Sports, to be led by for­mer West In­dies mys­tery spin­ner Harold Joseph, Soft Drinks and Black­pool.

For­mer na­tion­al play­ers Alvin Corneal, Ever­ald “Gal­ly “Cum­mings, Bob­by Sookram, Ron LaFor­est and El­lis Sadaphal, re­tired Brigadier Carl Al­fon­so and ace pan­nist Dr Ray Hol­man will be in at­ten­dance.

Mean­while, the club al­so sends con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly of for­mer icon, Olympic medal­list Kent Bernard who passed away re­cent­ly, say­ing Bernard was a for­mer stal­wart mem­ber of Pe­tit Bourg Old Boys and the Pe­tit Bourg Com­mu­ni­ty who nev­er missed these games since 1991.

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