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Monday, March 24, 2025

Canadian Zhang cops 2 titles at Badminton Championships


572 days ago
Canada’s Eliana Zhang plays a powerful return during the TTBA T&T International women’s singles final at the National Racquet Centre on Sunday in Tacarigua. Zhang defeated Mexico’s Vanessa Contreras 21-17, 21 18.

Canada’s Eliana Zhang plays a powerful return during the TTBA T&T International women’s singles final at the National Racquet Centre on Sunday in Tacarigua. Zhang defeated Mexico’s Vanessa Contreras 21-17, 21 18.

Daniel Prentice

Cana­da’s Eliana Zhang end­ed the T&T In­ter­na­tion­al Open Bad­minton Cham­pi­onships with two ti­tles on Sun­day when she added the women’s dou­bles to the women’s sin­gles she won ear­li­er in the day at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre in Tacarigua.

Zhang claimed the women’s dou­bles when she teamed up with fel­low Cana­di­an Jes­lyn Chow for a walkover win over pair of Guyanese Priyan­na Ramd­hani and Bar­ba­di­an Mony­a­ta Riv­iera who did not take the court.

Ear­li­er, the Cana­di­an got past Mex­i­can Vanes­sa Maricela Gar­cia 21-17,21-18 to win the women’s sin­gles in the first match of the day.

The women’s dou­bles fi­nal was not the on­ly walkover win on Sun­day, as the Ja­maican pair of Samuel O’Brien Rick­etts and Tahlia Richard­son took the mixed dou­bles ti­tle af­ter the Guyanese pair of Ak­ili Haynes and Priyan­na Ramd­hani failed to take the court.

How­ev­er, men’s dou­ble win­ners Ryan Ma of the USA and Cana­di­an Daniel Zhou need­ed to work for their win over Eng­land’s Koon Jung Kelvin Ho and Ja­maican Samuel O’Brien Rick­etts who missed out on a sec­ond ti­tle. Ma/Zhou won the sets 21-18, 21-17.

The clos­est fi­nal of the day was the men’s sin­gles fi­nal be­tween Amer­i­can Mark Shel­ley Al­cal­ca and Mex­i­can Luis Ra­mon Gar­ri­do. The fi­nal score read 21-19, 21-18 in favour of the Al­cal­ca.

No T&T play­ers fea­tured on the fi­nal day of the tour­na­ment as both the women’s dou­bles and men’s dou­bles pairs went out at the semi­fi­nal stage the day be­fore. Cheyenne Bho­la and Shiv­ani Koonj-Be­har­ry proved to be of lit­tle re­sis­tance to the even­tu­al win­ners, Chow and Zhang with the scores read­ing 21-2, 21-1, while the men’s dou­bles pair of Vishal Ram­sub­hag and Ryan Sinanan were no match for even­tu­al run­ners up Ho and Rick­ett’s 21-9, 21-9.

The win­ners were crowned af­ter five days of com­pe­ti­tion in Tacarigua.

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