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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Carimbocas looks to continue good form in round 3


Ian Wason
727 days ago
FILE: Red Force captain batsman Darren Bravo returns to boost QPCC.

FILE: Red Force captain batsman Darren Bravo returns to boost QPCC.

Ashley Allen

Camil­lo Carim­bo­cas will be aim­ing to con­tin­ue his good ear­ly form with an­oth­er good show­ing this week­end in the T&T Crick­et Board’s Pre­mier League when Queen’s Park Crick­et Club 1 (QPCC1) comes up against Pow­er­gen in a round three match that promis­es to be an in­ter­est­ing en­counter.

The ac­tion will un­fold at the Queen’s Park Oval in St Clair, Port-of-Spain, start­ing Sat­ur­day at 10 am.

The tal­ent­ed open­er has put him­self in con­tention for se­lec­tion to the Red Force team in the on­go­ing Re­gion­al First-Class tour­na­ment, now on a short break. He scored hun­dreds in the two pre­vi­ous rounds, 117 against QPCC2 and 124 ver­sus Preysal in the open­ing round.

Round three will see the re­turn of Red Force play­ers, who are home af­ter play­ing the first two match­es in Grena­da and An­tigua. Red Force skip­per Dar­ren Bra­vo, Ter­rence Hinds, and open­er Je­re­my Solozano are among the play­ers who will suit up for the Tragerete road team.

But Pow­er­gen will prove to be a much tougher op­po­nent, as Ja­son Mo­hammed and Uth­man Mo­hammed should boost a team that in­cludes Evin Lewis and Cephas Coop­er.

Pow­er­gen had two strong shows in their pre­vi­ous rounds, scor­ing 251 against Clarke Road in round one while re­strict­ing their op­po­nents to 91 and 164 for 4.

In their sec­ond match, they re­strict­ed Vic­to­ria to 203, but rain pre­vent­ed Pow­er­gen from adding to its to­tal of 130 for 1.

Legspin­ner Im­ran Khan re­turns to al­so boost Cen­tral Sports with the likes of Kjorn Ot­t­ley and Mar­lon Richards against Comets.

Clarke Road will wel­come the re­turn of Vikash Mo­han, who was in­jured in the first Red Force match against Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes and missed the match against Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes. Clarke Road will be fac­ing Vic­to­ria in Bar­rack­pore.

Sat­ur­day’s Match­es

(Start time 10 am)

At Queen’s Park Oval: QPCC 1 vs Pow­er­gen

At Fe­lic­i­ty: Cen­tral Sports vs Comets

At Bar­rack­pore: Vic­to­ria vs Clarke Road

At Preysal: Preysal vs QPCC 2

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