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Thursday, March 6, 2025

CCC crowned University champions


2236 days ago
Caribbean Lifestyle Communication Kavita Maharaj, left, presents the Man of the match award to Michael Powell, centre, while being assisted by Managing Director Goldenkey Real Estate Dereck Soopaya, following, the UWI World Universities T20 Tournament final between CCC and Oxford at UWI SPEC, St. Augustine, yesterday.

Caribbean Lifestyle Communication Kavita Maharaj, left, presents the Man of the match award to Michael Powell, centre, while being assisted by Managing Director Goldenkey Real Estate Dereck Soopaya, following, the UWI World Universities T20 Tournament final between CCC and Oxford at UWI SPEC, St. Augustine, yesterday.

Allan V. Crane

The Com­bined Cam­pus­es and Col­leges (CCC) were crowned cham­pi­ons of the in­au­gur­al World Uni­ver­si­ty com­pe­ti­tion when they de­feat­ed Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty in the fi­nal at UWIS­PEC in St. Au­gus­tine yes­ter­day.

In a low scor­ing af­fair, the CCC team pre­vailed to add the Uni­ver­si­ty ti­tle to the Re­gion­al Su­per50 crown they won in No­vem­ber last year.

Bat­ting first, the CCC made 135 for nine off their al­lot­ted 20 overs with open­er Kjorn Ot­t­ley top scor­ing with 36. He faced 19 de­liv­er­ies and struck six fours and a six in his bound­ary stud­ded ef­fort. He and Kyle Corbin 22, gave the CCC a good start, as they added 51 for the first wick­et. Af­ter their part­ner­ship was bro­ken, Ox­ford came roar­ing back with quick wick­ets.

CCC skip­per Yan­nick Ot­t­ley then held the low­er or­der to­geth­er with a work­man­like 31 off 30 balls with one four. His ef­fort took the CCC over the 100-run mark and even­tu­al­ly they end­ed on 135 for nine af­ter 20 overs.

Will Heath­field was the best of the bowlers for the op­po­si­tion with 3 for 17, while there were two wick­ets apiece for Do­minic Clut­ter­back, William Robert­son and Syed Rizvi.

When Ox­ford took to the crease to start their run-chase, the Eng­lish­men found the go­ing very tough, as open­ing bowlers Michael Pow­ell and Jae­lamie Seales had them on the run very ear­ly. They lost a clut­ter of ear­ly wick­ets and nev­er man­age a mean­ing­ful part­ner­ship, to chal­lenge the score. In the end, they made 115 for eight – go­ing un­der by 20 runs.

The best of the bats­men for the Eng­lish­men was Za­man Ak­thar who made 27 off 29 balls. The oth­ers strug­gled to come to terms with the ac­cu­rate bowl­ing and in end the vic­to­ry was com­fort­able. Pow­ell end­ed with 3 for 17, while Seales took 2 for 28.


CCC 135/9 (20) (Kjorn Ot­t­ley 36, Yan­nick Ot­t­ley 31, Kyle Corbin 22, Will Heath­field 3/17, Do­minic Clut­ter­back 2/28, William Robert­son 2/28, Syed Rizvi 2/18) vs Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty 115/8 (20) (Za­man Ak­thar 27, Michael Pow­ell 3/17, Jae­lamie Seales 2/28). Re­sults – CCC won by 20 runs.

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