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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Chatoor's Emory captures 26th straight swim title


Nigel Simon
35 days ago

Na­tion­al swim­mer Ja­da Cha­toor and her Emory Uni­ver­si­ty ex­tend­ed their win­ning streak to 26th women's swim­ming & div­ing team ti­tles in the Uni­ver­si­ty Ath­let­ic As­so­ci­a­tion Cham­pi­onship as the con­fer­ence meet came to an end Sat­ur­day night at the Madeleine Jude Brown Aquat­ic Cen­tre in At­lanta.

This al­so rep­re­sent­ed the 32nd over­all con­fer­ence cham­pi­onship for the Emory Ea­gles.

Emory fin­ished the four-day meet with 1,867 points while the New York Uni­ver­si­ty Vi­o­lets to­taled 1,846 points. The 21-point mar­gin of vic­to­ry was the clos­est be­tween the top two teams in the 37-year his­to­ry of the UAA Cham­pi­onships.

On Sat­ur­day's fi­nal day of com­pe­ti­tion, Cha­toor was sec­ond in the women's 200 yard freestyle C-Fi­nal in one minute, 52.60 sec­onds, to tri­al team­mate Elodie Mitchell who won in one minute, 51.33 while Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty St Louis's Iris Qi was third in one minute, 53.04

On Thurs­day, Cha­toor was third in the women’s 500 yard freestyle B-fi­nal in four min­utes, 58.97 sec­onds to trail New York Uni­ver­si­ty’s Bethany Span­gler who won in four min­utes, 57.22 sec­onds and her Emory Uni­ver­si­ty team­mate Mered­ith Teague who stopped the clock at 4:58.87.

Joseph helps UIndy to GLVC third spot

T&T's Aqeel Joseph and the Uni­ver­si­ty of In­di­anapo­lis swim­ming & div­ing team wrapped up the 2025 Great Lake Val­ley Con­fer­ence (GLVC) Cham­pi­onships, Elkhart Health and Aquat­ics in Elkhart, In­di­anapo­lis on Sat­ur­day with a third-placed fin­ish over­all.

The Grey­hound men se­cured third place by a com­fort­able mar­gin with 1,407 points, to trail cham­pi­ons Drury Uni­ver­si­ty (1,770) and run­ner-up McK­endree Uni­ver­si­ty (1,734.5).

All told, Joseph and the UIndy swim­mers com­bined for 20 gold medals and nine school records.

In his penul­ti­mate swim of the cham­pi­onship, Joseph fin­ished fifth in the men's 100 yard freestyle B-fi­nal in 44.74 on Sat­ur­day, af­ter he clocked 44.65 in the heats to be the 12th fastest qual­i­fi­er over­all.

In the 400 yards freestyle B-re­lay fi­nal, Joseph, Elias Noe, Jokubas and Os­kar Saw­ic­ki clocked two min­utes, 57.25 sec­onds.

On Fri­day night, in the men 200 yard freestyle re­lay, Joseph swam the lead-off leg fol­lowed by Saw­ic­ki, Noe and Mi­hir Am­bre as the Uni­ver­si­ty of In­di­anapo­lis 'A' end­ed in the fourth spot in one minute, 19.58 sec­onds, just be­hind bronze medal win­ners Lewis Uni­ver­si­ty 'A' who com­bined for a win­ning time of one minute, 19.54 sec­onds.

Drury Uni­ver­si­ty 'A' won gold in one minute, 18.47 sec­onds with Mc Kendree Uni­ver­si­ty, sec­ond in one minute, 18.79.

Joseph won his lone gold medal of the meet as part of the 200 yard med­ley re­lay team.

The T&T swim­mer swam the fi­nal leg be­hind Mat­tia Rossi, Bray­den Cole and Saw­ic­ki for a win­ning time of one minute, 24.88 sec­onds, a new meet record, and just shy of the pool record of one minute, 24.85.

Mc Kendree Uni­ver­si­ty end­ed in the sil­ver medal spot in 1:25.62 while Drury Uni­ver­si­ty was third in 1:26.66.

Al­so on Wednes­day, Joseph was a sec­ond in the men’s 50 yard freestyle B-fi­nal in 20,17 sec­onds, to fin­ish be­hind Drury Uni­ver­si­ty’s Lu­cas Mineur who won in 19.89 sec­onds while Matt Howard of Lewis Uni­ver­si­ty was third in 20.18.

On Thurs­day, Joseph con­test­ed the B-fi­nal of the 100 yard but­ter­fly, but could on­ly muster a sev­enth-placed fin­ish in 48.60 sec­onds, af­ter he clocked 48.35 in the morn­ing heats.

Car­ring­ton bags five gold for Bolles High School

Na­tion­al swim­mer Liam Car­ring­ton of Bolles High School in Flori­da en­joyed a mem­o­rable South­ern Zone South Sec­tion­al Swim­ming Cham­pi­onships in Ocala, Flori­da.

This af­ter 16-year-old Car­ring­ton fin­ished with five gold medals over the course of the three days of com­pe­ti­tion which end­ed on Sat­ur­day (Feb­ru­ary 15).

Com­pet­ing at the Plan­ta­tion Aquat­ic Cen­tre, Car­ring­ton won the men’s 50 me­tres back­stroke, 50m freestyle, 400m freestyle re­lay, 400m med­ley re­lay, and 800m freestyle re­lay events.

In the 50m back­stroke, Car­ring­ton won in 26.57 sec­onds with his school­mate Carter Wright sec­ond in 26.96, and South Flori­da's Al­do Zepe­da, third in 27.48.

Car­ring­ton's sec­ond in­di­vid­ual win came in the 50m freestyle in 23.44 sec­onds with Ja­cob Ru­bin the run­ner-up in 23.46, and An­dreas Da Sil­va, third in 23.76.

He al­so com­bined with Ethan Batha­la, Lu­cas Young and Sash Macht for vic­to­ry in the 400m med­ley re­lay in three min­utes, 50.69 sec­onds with Bolles High School 'B' sec­ond in 3:54.90, and South­west­ern, third in 3:55.46.

In the 800m freestyle re­lay fi­nal, Car­ring­ton helped Bolles High School 'A' to the win in sev­en min­utes and 44.17 sec­onds with Sara­so­ta (7.51.54), sec­ond, and South Flori­da (7.57.28), third.

In the 400m freestyle re­lay, Car­ring­ton swam a time of 52.33 sec­onds. The com­bi­na­tion of Car­ring­ton, Charles Zuhos­ki, Nicholas Kwan and An­drew Kravchenko com­bined for gold in the 400m freestyle re­lay in 3:28.52, just ahead of Bolles High School 'B' (3:28.74), and Guil­liv­er Swim Club (3:31.69).

The T&T swim­mer al­so con­test­ed but missed out on medals in the 100m back­stroke af­ter he placed sixth in 58.48, as well as the 200m freestyle when he end­ed in the tenth spot in one minute, 55.52 sec­onds.

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