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Friday, March 14, 2025

Dottin: I came out with a vengeance


Sport Desk
44 days ago
Deandra Dottin blasted seven sixes against Bangladesh in the opening T20I on Monday at Warner Park.

Deandra Dottin blasted seven sixes against Bangladesh in the opening T20I on Monday at Warner Park.

BAS­SETERRE – Dis­ap­point­ed with the man­ner in which she was dis­missed in the sec­ond One Day In­ter­na­tion­al against Bangladesh, De­an­dra Dot­tin had a point to prove in the open­ing Twen­ty20 In­ter­na­tion­al (T20I) in St Kitts.

The 33-year-old made right things wrong on Mon­day, blud­geon­ing sev­en six­es in scor­ing a 21-ball half cen­tu­ry to help lead West In­dies Women to a com­fort­able eight wick­et vic­to­ry over Bangladesh Women at Warn­er Park.

It was the fastest half cen­tu­ry by a West In­dies woman in T20 crick­et and tied for fifth fastest in Women’s T20 in­ter­na­tion­als.

Dot­tin’s sev­en six­es is al­so tied for the sixth most by a woman in a T20I in­nings.

Speak­ing dur­ing a post-match in­ter­view on Mon­day, Dot­tin ad­mit­ted that she came with a plan to be ag­gres­sive from the get-go.

She said the fact that the match was be­ing played at Warn­er Park made her per­for­mance even more en­joy­able.

“I think this is my favourite venue in the Caribbean af­ter the 2010 World Cup and scor­ing the fastest hun­dred.

“But I ba­si­cal­ly came out with a lit­tle vengeance af­ter get­ting out ear­ly in one of the ODIs, so I just said I was com­ing out to beat ball. It’s ei­ther I get them, or they get me,” Dot­tin said jok­ing­ly.

The Bar­ba­di­an who came out of re­tire­ment last year, has the most six­es in Women’s T20 in­ter­na­tion­als with 124 six­es in 137 match­es.

So­phie Devine of New Zealand is sec­ond with 114 six­es from 143 match­es while Sri Lan­ka’s Chamari Atha­p­aththu has hit 88 six­es in 143 match­es.

Dot­tin ex­plained that her bat­ting ap­proach var­ied based on the con­di­tions of the pitch and the bowl­ing unit.

How­ev­er, she said she al­ways backed her­self to per­form re­gard­less of where and who she was play­ing against.

“Some­times I do get off to a fast start, some­times I don’t. It’s just a mat­ter of as­sess­ing the pitch and just feel­ing out the bowlers, kind of get­ting them com­fort­able and giv­ing them a false sense of se­cu­ri­ty,” Dot­tin said.

“So just like how I start­ed tonight, I just got com­fort­able and then af­ter that I picked my ar­eas to hit the ball.

“It’s just a mat­ter of back­ing your­self, as­sess­ing the con­di­tions and the pitch re­al­ly quick­ly and tak­ing on the bowlers that are weak in a sense.

“But like I said, it all boils down to be­liev­ing in your­self and hav­ing that de­ter­mi­na­tion and want­i­ng it more,” she added.


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