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Friday, March 14, 2025

Four players cop school badminton double crowns


Nigel Simon
42 days ago
Joanna Chen, third from left front row, the Ministry of Education Secondary Schools Badminton Association's vice president with the members of the Victoria Educational Ditsrict team as they show off their trophies won in Tier 'A' and Tier 'B' after capturing the Overall District title in Secondary Schools Badminton Association's National Championships at the National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua on Wednesday.

Joanna Chen, third from left front row, the Ministry of Education Secondary Schools Badminton Association's vice president with the members of the Victoria Educational Ditsrict team as they show off their trophies won in Tier 'A' and Tier 'B' after capturing the Overall District title in Secondary Schools Badminton Association's National Championships at the National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua on Wednesday.

The quar­tet of Ama­ra Urquhart, T'Shelle Barnes, Samiya Karim and Nicholi Je­bods­ingh cap­tured their Tier 'A' age-group dou­ble crowns when the Sec­ondary Schools Bad­minton As­so­ci­a­tion's Na­tion­al Cham­pi­onships, host­ed by the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion, con­clud­ed at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre, Or­ange Grove Road, Tacarigua on Wednes­day (Jan­u­ary 29).

In the Girls Un­der-21 Sin­gles de­cider, na­tion­al play­er Urquhart of the Port-of-Spain (PoS) and En­vi­rons Ed­u­ca­tion­al Dis­trict out­played fel­low T&T play­er Kara-Ash­ley Robert­son of St George East 21-9, 21-14.

Ear­li­er in the semi­fi­nals, Robert­son beat Imani Mon­segue (North East) 21-18, 21-7 while Urquhart pow­ered past Jes­si­ca Khan (North East) 21-3, 2-10.

In the Dou­bles, Urquhart and Jael Khan (PoS) won the three-play­er round-robin se­ries af­ter beat­ing Mon­segue and Khan 21-16, 21-16 as well as Kaylee Noel and Robert­son by walkover.

Barnes of St George East cap­tured the Girls U-17 Sin­gles af­ter eas­ing past fel­low in­ter­na­tion­al Aliyah Urquhart (PoS) 21-18, 21-17 while she teamed up with Ye­le­na Lewis to top the four-team round-robin se­ries with a 3-0 record for the top spot af­ter wins against Emi­ly Lewis/Al­liyah Urquhart (PoS) 21-17, 21-15; North East's Cheyenne Bho­la/Kimo­ra Bisses­sar 21-16, 21-15 and Vic­to­ria's Emi­ly Balchan/Adi­la Ma­haraj 21-17, 21-15.

In the Girls U-15 Sin­gles, Karim whipped Kaleigh Ra­jku­mar in an all-Vic­to­ria dis­trict bat­tle 21-7, 21-10 fol­lowed by a 3-0 record in the round-robin Dou­bles com­pe­ti­tion with Ra­jku­mar via wins against Kenise Gan­goo/De­von­ish Vin­cent (St George East) 21-7, 21-5; Litisha Daniel/Adia Lall (North East) 21-5, 21-1 and Joan­na Har­ry/Aris­sa Ramb­had­han (St Patrick) by walkover.

Je­bods­ingh was the lone boy to do the dou­ble on the day in the U-15 Di­vi­sion. This af­ter he got the bet­ter of Vic­to­ria team­mate An­drew Bab­wah 21-11, 16-21, 11-2 in their fi­nal be­fore the duo swept past Jared Bhekoo/Ri­car­do Sagram­s­ingh (Ca­roni) 21-18, 21-7 and Luke Mol­lah/Aiden Williams (St George East), by walkover.


Tier A

Boys U-13 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Liam Per­sad (Vic­to­ria) bt Chi­joke Kalu (PoS) 18-21, 21-6, 11-4

Third: De­van Dur­ga (North East) & Liam Ra­jku­mar (Vic­to­ria)

Boys U-13 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Joshua Camp­bell/Liam Per­sad (Vic­to­ra) bt Liam Ra­jku­mar/Lo­gan Wait­he (Vic­to­ria) 21-13, 21-8

Girls U-13 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Azaria Gaskill (South East) bt Rishelle Boodoos­ingh (North East) 21-9, 21-15

Third: Avani Bhagoutie (Vic­to­ria) & Tan­vie Orie (St George East)

Boys U-15 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Nicholi Je­bods­ingh (Vic­to­ria) bt An­drew Bab­wah (Vic­to­ria) 21-11, 16-21, 11-2

Third: Ri­car­do Sagram­s­ingh (Ca­roni) & Luke Mol­lah (St George East)

Boys U-15 Dou­bles Round Robin

Win­ner: An­drew Bab­wah/Nicholi Je­bods­ingh (Vic­to­ria)

Run­ner-up: Jared Bhekoo/Ri­car­do Sagram­s­ingh (Ca­roni)

Third: Luke Mol­lah/Aiden Williams (St George East)

Girls U-15 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Samiya Karim (Vic­to­ria) bt Kaleigh Ra­jku­mar (Vic­to­ria) 21-7, 21-10

Third: Litisha Daniel (North East) & Kenise Gan­goo (St George East)

Girls U-15 Dou­bles Round Robin

Win­ner: Samiya Karim/Kaleigh Ra­juku­mar (Vic­to­ria)

Run­ner-up: Kenise Gan­goo/De­von­ish Vin­cent (St George East)

Third: Litisha Daniel/Adia Lall (North East)

Fourth: Joan­na Har­ry/Aris­sa Ramb­had­han (St Patrick)

Boys U-17 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Aditya Ma­haraj (Vic­to­ria) bt Dante Homer (North East) 21-14, 15-21, 11-10

Third: Ri­an Solomon (North East) & Tris­ton Siew­dass (Ca­roni)

Boys U-17 Dou­bles

Win­ner: Tris­ton Siew­dass/Max­i­mas Walsh (Ca­roni)

Run­ner-up: Dante Homer/Ri­an Solomon (North East)

Third: San­jay Maraj/Kezron Williams (North East)

Fourth: Vi­nesh Bharat /Aditya Ma­haraj (Vic­to­ria)

Girls U-17 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: T'Shelle Barnes (St George East) bt Aliyah Urquhart (PoS) 21-18, 21-17

Third: Is­abelle Waller (Vic­to­ria) & Adi­ta Ma­haraj (Vic­to­ria)

Girls U-17 Dou­bles

Win­ner: T'Shelle Barnes/Ye­le­na Lewis (St George East)

Run­ner-up: Emi­ly Lewis/Al­liyah Urquhart (PoS)

Third: Cheyenne Bho­la/Kimo­ra Bisses­sar (North East)

Fourth: Emi­ly Balchan/Adi­la Ma­haraj (Vic­to­ria)

Boys U-21 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Kaveer Ra­moutar (Ca­roni) bt Jace Smith (North East) 21-16, 21-15

Third: Sachin Pha­goo (Vic­to­ria) & Josh Je­bods­ingh (Vic­to­ria)

Boys U-21 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Doniv Pooran/Jace Smith (North East) bt Kevin Ram­di­al/Kaveer Ram­moutar (Ca­roni)

Third: Joshua Ever­s­ley/Alex Per­sad (Vic­to­ria) & Aaron Goolieper­sad/Vish­wanath Maraj (Ca­roni)

Girls U-21 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Ama­ra Urquhart (PoS) bt Kara Ash­ley Robert­son (St George East) 21-9, 21-14

Third: Imani Mon­segue(North East) & Jes­si­ca Khan (North East)

Girls U-21 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Ama­ra Urquhart/Jael Khan (PoS) bt Imani Mon­segue/Jes­si­ca Khan (North East) 21-16, 21-16

Third: Kaylee Noel/Kara Ash­ley Robert­son (St George East)

Tier B:

Boys U-13 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Ke­shav Bachan (Ca­roni) bt Josh Lakhai (Ca­roni) 15-5, 13-15, 7-2

Third: Sadiq Lewis (North East) & Samuel Ram (St Patrick)

Boys U-13 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Ke­shav Bachan/Riza Lal­wah (Ca­roni) bt Jair Alexan­der/Pa­van Ramharack (Vic­to­ria) 15-5, 15-11

Third: Ki­mani Dou­glas/Jonathan Mo­hammed (Ca­roni) & Ak­shay Har­ri­nar­ine/Roland Mendez (South East)

Girls U-13 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Megan Jag­ger­nath (St George East) bt Kacey Chat­ter­goon (Vic­to­ria) 15-7, 15-14

Third: Sarah Steeple (Ca­roni) & Kala Jan (North East)

Girls U-13 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Kacey Chat­ter­goon/Sama­ra Ra­moutar (Vic­to­ria) bt Sarah Steeple/Lacey Su­per­sad (Ca­roni) 15-13, 15-12

Third: & Megan Jag­ger­nath/Kather­ine Vi­jayku­mar (St George East) & Ky­del­la Ben­jamin/Cat­t­leya Car­rera (North East)

Boys U-15 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Ay­don Hamil­ton (South East) bt Jesse Lakhan (South East) 15-6, 11-15, 7-4

Third: Shalom Noy­am (Vic­to­ria) & Jo­hanan Reyes (North East)

Boys U-15 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Ibra­heem Khan/Aidan Ram­nar­ine (Vic­to­ria) bt Ahamad Boodoo/Dar­i­on Mo­hammed (South East)

Third: Shiv­an Sam­lal/Joshua Sookhoo (Ca­roni) & Ronal­do Bis­nath/Rivon Sakhai (Ca­roni)

Girls U-15 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Jayelle Dookhi (Vic­to­ria) bt El­la Marie Young (PoS) 15-11, 15-14

Third: Jen­na Sibaran (South East) & Syan­na Sam­my (St George East)

Girls U-15 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Arya Singh/Sa­hayli Ma­haraj (Vic­to­ria) bt Rain­bow Mark/Vaishali Ram­sub­hag (Vic­to­ria) 15-7, 7-15, 7-3

Third: Emi­ly Sam­my/Jen­na Sibaran (St George East) & El­la Marie Young/Chris­tine Chou (Port of SPain

Boys U-17 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Jabari Her­bert (North East)bt Aidan koonoo (Ca­roni) 14-15, 15-9, 7-6

Third: Kayleb Ma­haraj (Vic­to­ria) & Tim­o­thy Ra­goo­nanan (South East)

Boys U-17 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Aidan Koonoo/Ankit Singh (Ca­roni) bt David Ban­doo/Nir­mal Be­har­ry­lal (Ca­roni) 15-6, 15-12

Third: Gabriel Gor­don/De­va Ra­mackhs­ingh (St George East) & She­muel Au­guste/Jabari Her­bert (North East)

Girls U-17 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Se­le­na Seep­aul (South East) bt Aaliyah Har­ri­lal (Vic­to­ria) 15-12, 15-7

Third: Ar­i­ann Ralph (Port-of-Spain) & Sacoya Wal­lace (North East)

Girls U-17 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Kiera Sam/Tian­na Whit­ter (St George East) bt Aliyah Har­ri­lal/Sum­mayyah Khan (Vic­to­ria) 13-15, 15-13, 7-5

Third: Alessan­dra Gon­za­les/Aimee Manoo (St George East) & Ar­i­an­na Mon­groo/Karys­sa Rag­bir (Vic­to­ria)

Boys U-21 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Dante Ha­jarie (St George East) bt Emilio Vil­lafana (Vic­to­ria) 15-5, 15-12

Third: Yan­nick Thomas Brown (Port-of-Spain) & Tris­tan Har­richa­ran (Ca­roni)

Boys U-21 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Akashay Coolal/Dante Ha­jarie (St George East) bt Yan­nic Thomas Brown/Nicoli Mod­este (Port-of-Spain) 15-3, 15-12

Third: Aiden Phipps/Mar­ck Racha (St George East) & neval Mykoo/Daniel Singh (Ca­roni)

Girls U-21 Sin­gles

Fi­nal: Char­lotte Reyes (Port-of-Spain) bt Suri­ah Nages­sar (Vic­to­ria) 15-7, 15-10

Third: Chelsea Ram­dath (Vic­to­ria) & Shar­lene Phillip (Port-of-Spain)

Girls U-21 Dou­bles

Fi­nal: Kelsey Marie Pe­ters/Jade­sha Ra­jku­mar (Ca­roni) bt Suri­ah Nages­sar/Chelsea Ram­dath (Vic­to­ria) 5-15, 15-10, 7-6

Third: Rae­je­nee Lessie/Sar­ic­ah Whit­ti­er (Port-of-Spain) & Anassta­sia Milling­ton/As­syra Milling­ton (Vic­to­ria)

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