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Friday, March 14, 2025

Hope among the Caribbean’s best at ILT20


Sport Desk
30 days ago
Shai Hope was the best batter in the recently concluded ILT20 in Dubai.

Shai Hope was the best batter in the recently concluded ILT20 in Dubai.

Courtesy ILT20

DUBAI - West In­dies and Bar­ba­dos bats­man Shai Hope stole the spot­light for the cham­pi­ons Dubai Cap­i­tals, by se­cur­ing the Green Belt for the sea­son’s best bat­ter in the just-con­clud­ed ILT20 in Dubai in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates.

Hope’s con­sis­tent bril­liance with the bat was in­stru­men­tal in the Cap­i­tals’ suc­cess as his vi­tal 43-run knock in the fi­nal took his tour­na­ment tal­ly to 527 runs at an im­pres­sive av­er­age of 58.55, edg­ing out MI Emi­rates’ Tom Ban­ton in a close­ly con­test­ed race for the Green Belt.

The styl­ish right-han­der was one of on­ly two cen­tu­ri­ons in the tour­na­ment, un­der­lin­ing his dom­i­nance in a league filled with world-class tal­ent.

The Desert Vipers, de­spite falling short in the fi­nal, had their stand­out per­former in Sam Cur­ran, who claimed the Red Belt as the Most Valu­able Play­er.

The tour­na­ment al­so saw oth­er stand­out per­for­mances, with MI Emi­rates’ Fazal­haq Fa­rooqi earn­ing the White Belt for the best bowler, thanks to his 21 wick­ets, in­clud­ing a record-break­ing 5-for-16 in the sea­son open­er.

Abu Dhabi Knight Rid­ers West In­di­an all-rounder Ja­son Hold­er fin­ished be­hind Fa­rooqi with 17 wick­ets in ten match­es.

Mean­while, MI Emi­rates’ Muham­mad Waseem con­tin­ued his dom­i­nance among lo­cal tal­ents, se­cur­ing the Blue Belt as the best UAE play­er for the third con­sec­u­tive sea­son.


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