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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

KFC sports media programme bears fruit


54 days ago
KFC and Pizza Hut vice-president Roger Rambharose

KFC and Pizza Hut vice-president Roger Rambharose

The KFC Colonel Com­men­ta­tor pro­gramme start­ed last year has al­ready borne fruit with four per­sons start­ing their ca­reers in me­dia due to it.

A to­tal of 12 young­sters were in­vit­ed to take part in the process and at the end of it, four grad­u­at­ed and are now in­to sports me­dia. Those com­ing through the sys­tem and now prac­tic­ing in the field are Dy­lan Shar­ma, na­tion­al youth crick­eter Kyle Ram­doo, Nick­yle Jal­im and Adam Fur­longe.

Speak­ing on the ex­pe­ri­ence Shar­ma said: “I am very hap­py for the in­tern­ship at Crick­et360 which was made pos­si­ble by KFC. I al­ways want­ed to get in­to sports me­dia and when I re­ceived the call I was very keen. I have made a lot of strides per­son­al­ly and I think that I am on the way to some­thing spe­cial.”

Last Jan­u­ary, KFC part­nered with top me­dia stream­ing com­pa­ny Crick­et360 to have young­sters come on board to be in­tro­duced to sports me­dia, in terms of crick­et com­men­tary and un­der­stand­ing the role of sports me­dia in build­ing the sport. The young­sters had the ben­e­fit of work­ing along­side ex­pe­ri­enced me­dia prac­ti­tion­ers like Ruskin Mark, Vin­ode Mam­chan and Col­in Mur­ray.

Ram­doo was al­so hap­py with the op­por­tu­ni­ty, say­ing: “This op­por­tu­ni­ty I got was re­al­ly some­thing that I want­ed. It has helped me grow as a per­son which will al­so help me on the field of play. Through this pro­gramme, I have got­ten op­por­tu­ni­ties to trav­el abroad as well and for this, I thank Crick­et360 and KFC.”

KFC and Piz­za Hut vice-pres­i­dent Roger Ramb­harose whose brain­child it was said it is very sat­is­fy­ing to see this pro­gramme pay off.

“When we came up with the idea, I said at the time that if we can in­flu­ence one young per­son in a pos­i­tive way we would have achieved what we set out to do. We now have four young men get­ting in­to the field of sports me­dia and we are very hap­py with this. We wish them all the best,” he said.

The KFC Colonel Com­men­ta­tor pro­gramme will con­tin­ue this year and soon an­nounce­ments will go out for in­ter­est­ed in­di­vid­u­als to come on board.

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