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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mc Collin-Lopez, Russell help UTT retain Courts Open KO title


Rachael Thompson-King
19 hours ago
MIC Tigers’ centre Tia Bruno, left, passes the ball to goal-shooter Steve Mac Sween while his goal-attack Jenisha Cassimy lurks behind as he defended Bermudez’s Kodelle Williams and Shaquille Lewis during the Courts Open Knockout competition in the All Sectors Netball League at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sports Arena in Tacargiua on Saturday. MIC reached the final but fell to a 30-23 defeat to UTT.

MIC Tigers’ centre Tia Bruno, left, passes the ball to goal-shooter Steve Mac Sween while his goal-attack Jenisha Cassimy lurks behind as he defended Bermudez’s Kodelle Williams and Shaquille Lewis during the Courts Open Knockout competition in the All Sectors Netball League at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sports Arena in Tacargiua on Saturday. MIC reached the final but fell to a 30-23 defeat to UTT.

Vashti Singh

Kali­fa Mc Collin-Lopez and Keon Rus­sell com­bined to lead the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT) to vic­to­ry over MIC Tigers to re­tain the Courts Open Knock­out ti­tle in the All Sec­tors Net­ball League at the East­ern Re­gion­al In­door Sports Are­na in Tacarigua on Sat­ur­day.

In the fi­nal of the com­pe­ti­tion which fea­tured 11 clubs, UTT emerged with a hard-fought 30-23 win over the Tigers in the 20-minute-a-half con­test. Two men were al­lowed on the court in this event and they showed up to play, sev­er­al of them mem­bers of the na­tion­al men’s team, which fin­ished sec­ond at the Amer­i­c­as Tour­na­ment last year in St Kitts and Nevis.

Rus­sell was one of them, in fact, he was the “Most Valu­able Play­er” (MVP) for the T&T team and dis­played some of his shoot­ing abil­i­ty to get the win for UTT. The goal-shoot­er con­nect­ed 11 goals from 14 at­tempts and his goal-at­tack Mc Collin-Lopez did well to feed him while pro­duc­ing a match-high 18 in 23 tries.

The duo had the even­tu­al win­ner ahead at the half, 15-11, be­fore seal­ing the sev­en-goal win. This af­ter beat­ing Sn Juan Jabloteh in the semi­fi­nals, 43-15. The Uni­ver­si­ty team ad­vanced af­ter Po­lice, who was on a bye in the first round, for­feit­ed in the quar­ter­fi­nal round, while UTT claimed a huge 47-12 win in its open­ing round match against De­fence Force.

For MIC, goal-at­tack Janeisha Cas­simy net­ted the bulk of the goals with 16 in 19. She shared the goal-at­tack bib with Jabari Perez and he scored four goals off six tries. Na­tion­al men’s cap­tain Steve Mc Sween, net­ted the oth­er three goals from four at­tempts.

MIC’s route to the fi­nal in­clud­ed wins against Bermudez, 32-22, in the quar­ter­fi­nals and a com­fort­able 41-12 vic­to­ry over the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies (UWI) in the oth­er semi­fi­nal.

The ac­tion restarts on Thurs­day, with the con­tin­u­a­tion of the knock­out com­pe­ti­tions in the Al­ter­na­tive and Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sions which be­gan on Sun­day. Teams in the Al­ter­na­tive sec­tion are com­pet­ing in match­es 15 min­utes each way while teams in the oth­er cat­e­go­ry are com­pet­ing in match­es four quar­ters of 15 min­utes, bat­tling for the Jean Pierre Chal­lenge ti­tle.

Sat­ur­day’s re­sults


UTT 30 (Keon Rus­sell 11/14, Kali­fa Mc Collin-Lopez 18/23, Jelis­sa Goodridge 1/2) vs MIC 23 (Janeisha Cas­simy 16/19, Jabari Perez 4/6, Steve Mc Sween 3/4). Half time: 15-11 (UTT)


Jabloteh 15 vs UTT 43

UWI 12 vs MIC 41


UTC 17 vs Jabloteh 20

UTT vs Po­lice. UTT won by de­fault.

UWI 34 vs Fire Youth 6

Bermudez 22 vs MIC 32

First round

UTC vs TT Post. UTC won by de­fault

De­fence Force 12 vs UTT 47

UWI 29 vs PNYC 12

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