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Monday, March 24, 2025

Mindley bowls Scorpions to victory over WI Academy


Sport Desk
8 days ago
Marquino Mindley

Marquino Mindley

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – A de­ci­sive spell of fast bowl­ing by fast bowler Mar­quino Mind­ley car­ried the Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons to an ex­cit­ing 40-run win over the West In­dies Acad­e­my on the fi­nal day of their fifth-round clash in the West In­dies Cham­pi­onship on Sat­ur­day.

The WI Acad­e­my would have been favourites to win their first match of the tour­na­ment, hav­ing re­sumed the day on 256 for five, re­quir­ing 100 more runs for a come-from-be­hind vic­to­ry.

Their hopes rest­ed on Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett and Joshua Bish­op, who be­gan on the day on 46 and 25 re­spec­tive­ly, and they bat­ted pos­i­tive­ly to car­ry the WI Acad­e­my to 296 with­out fur­ther loss.

How­ev­er, with Bish­op one run away from a well-de­served half-cen­tu­ry, Mind­ley made the break­through by hav­ing him caught be­hind by wick­et­keep­er Al­daine Thomas to break their 87-run part­ner­ship.

Soon af­ter, Mind­ley struck again by dis­miss­ing Bowen-Tuck­ett for the top score of 70, to leave the WI Acad­e­my 301 for sev­en, still re­quir­ing an­oth­er 54 runs.

With their de­par­tures, the end came swift­ly for the WI Acad­e­my with Mind­ley ac­count­ing for the wick­et of Jo­hann Layne for a sec­ond ball duck with­out a run be­ing added, and left-arm spin­ner Jeav­or Roy­al wrapped up the match by dis­miss­ing Je­di­ah Blades and Nathan Ed­ward for the ad­di­tion of just six runs.

Mind­ley fin­ished with 3-46, while Ojay Shields (2-51), Roy­al (2-77) and Brad Barnes (2-80) lent good sup­port.


Sum­marised scores

At Coolidge Crick­et Ground in An­tigua: Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons de­feat West In­dies Acad­e­my by 40 runs.

SCOR­PI­ONS 375 & 191 vs WI ACAD­E­MY 211 & 315 in 78 overs (Akeem Au­guste 77, Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett 70, Ted­dy Bish­op 57, Joshua Bish­op 49, Mbe­ki Joseph 14, Jor­dan John­son 12, Ri­val­do Clarke 10; Mar­quino Mind­ley 3-46, Ojay Shields 2-51, Jeav­or Roy­al 2-77, Brad Barnes 2-80).

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